For 2023: Intimacy & Community
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

For 2023: Intimacy & Community

I am setting an intention of community and healthy intimacy, since community and intimacy cannot exist without each other.

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Autumn Energetic Forecast 2022
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Autumn Energetic Forecast 2022

This autumn brings about confrontations, either with others or within yourself and your past. The theme that I connected to the most are fires and conflicts. I kept seeing charred bodies gathering up. Confronting the past is prominent here, through those moments when we are defeated, and there is a play here of reactivity versus illumination. This is all meant to push us to a sense of enlightenment.

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Catalina Campos Catalina Campos


Protecting your space doesn't involve just clearing using herbs or incense, but it's a proactive and conscous act of deciding what your mind decides to focus on and what your emotions decides to consume itself with.

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So You've Been Grossly Wronged. Here's What to Do:
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

So You've Been Grossly Wronged. Here's What to Do:

So You've Been Grossly Wronged. Here's What to Do: The Justice card embodied my theme for last year, and it was the card I pulled all the time. I pulled it every damn time in the upright position! The Justice card can represent legal matters, but it carries the energy of karmic justice, integrity, truth and fairness. Here's what I learned with the hopes that it can bring you solace and closure.

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Messages from Chiron
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Messages from Chiron

What is Chiron in astrology? It represents an area of our chart where there is great potential for healing. Our deepest wounds are represented there. “Chiron is named after a Greek healer, philosopher, and teacher who, ironically, could not heal himself, and is symbolized by a key, demonstrating the importance of unlocking this minor planet's major lessons.”

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Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Healing the Will: Self-Worth

When our self-worth is healthy, we are aligned with our Will. We don’t place our worth onto other people, things, or ideas but rather within our own happiness and our connection with Spirit + Mother Earth.

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Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

It All Started With a Drop

I underestimated the tiny bottle of flower essence. Chestnut bud was a departure from the plant and earht healing I've grown to incorporate into my practice but I couldn't resist the bold claim it promised.

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Essence Beneath Consciousness
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Essence Beneath Consciousness

I continue to be in awe as to how powerful we all truly are when we are connected to our purest essence beyond what the consciousness holds. Within our higher selves, lay the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine aspects of ourselves, forever expanding individually, forever intermingling into a transcendent state of Oneness. We’re never going to stop acknowledging it, and when we think we’ve mastered a new revelation, we only plummet even deeper into its absolute form of essence.

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Your Themes for 2022
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Your Themes for 2022

A channeled general reading on what 2022 has in store for you! Pick between the four piles.

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