Please read this if you’re booking an any session!


What to Expect:

The sessions are fully remote at the moment. On the day of the session, I will text you a greeting!

I’ll ask you to find somewhere comfortable to sit or lay down at. I highly encourage you listen to meditation music and if you feel drawn to, incorporate any aromatherapy or crystals with you.

I’ll text you that I’m starting. I ask that you are completely open for it. Don’t question or doubt what you feel or what you see. Don’t blank out your mind either! I encourage you to connect to your sight and invite visions in. I’ve had clients see the same things that I see while I’m working on you, you just have to let logic go.

When I finish, I will call you in order to have the consultation with you.

I always start the consultation with asking you how you physically felt. It’s important for you to recognize the effects of healing energies. Feeling it makes people even more into believers. Also, the placement of what you felt and what memories or visions surfaced is important. I highly encourage you to journal afterwards.


This tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only. I am not a licensed health care professional nor a therapist. This is not a replacement for therapy or health care. If you are in need of health care please contact your primary care physician. If you are currently in a mental health crisis, please contact the Su!cidE hotline to get the best possible attention and care: 988. Please remember that you are not alone and there are so many people willing and eager to help you. Also, this reading does not substitute for legal advice.