February Shifts

Make sure to look at the image to pick a pile.

LEFT | February will bring an opportunity to soften yourself to love and to put anger and resentment behind you. You dealt with a betrayal that really challenged you, but you’ve grown so much when it comes to your ability to be patient not only with others but with yourself. You’ve gained an appreciation for how resilient you are and there is a sense of security approaching that reassures you, that no matter what, you’re more in control than you’ve ever realized before. I’m also seeing that any sense of powerlessness or that you’re not in control of your life and your destiny is starting to subside. The Arthur reversed card represents the Emperor and I am seeing that this revolves around a male energy in your life but I’m also seeing that this karmic situation was meant to ignite growth within the both of you. I think the word, “power” is so fitting as it definitely dealt with the shadow elements of what power is. There was a need to be in control, a power struggle, possible shaming, a disregard for boundaries and personal space and so forth. I would meditate on how this was also a chance for you to learn about power, as in, do you have to yell to be heard or seen? But this month will provide the opportunity for you to connect to your heart, to really nourish yourself and to allow yourself to soften. You’re learning that this is not what love has to be. I also connected to hummingbirds for this pile so as to allow a much lighter energy to prevail, find the sweetness of life, to be playful and enjoy being independent. The beauty of this month is that you won’t feel alone, you’ll feel connected to a higher spiritual power. You’ll deepen your faith, and what’s even more beautiful is that you’ll learn the secret that the best way to connect to Divinity is through your heart space. Manifesting and creating the changes that you want to see in your life will flow more easily when you operate from the heart. When it comes to the past, you’ll see that it does not define you or your story and the closure that you’ve wanted will be here. Embracing joy in your life will also be instrumental. The Celestial Rose of Ma speaks of a gift entering your life once you allow yourself to let go of the pain or the worry that you may be carrying.

MIDDLE | Right away, I’m seeing that you guys will embrace your creativity and find your sense of uniqueness that can be displayed to the world. This pile has a very turquoise aura, which I relate to creativity, expression, and has a very fluid and calming energy. What’s shifting in February is that you’ll start to gain more clarity about what it is that you want. These are the business owners, the entrepreneurs. It’s interesting because once I looked at the cards, I saw a black shadow or like you’ve been hiding in the shadows observing and studying what other people are doing. This does not honor your merit and worth because while it’s okay to be inspired by others, you can’t apply others’ blueprints to your own life. I’m also seeing you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by different options, different paths, different choices and may have even felt burdened by unrequested opinions of others! (I’ve been there before!) You’re learning how to trust yourself and your path more. I can see that you’ve been exploring any sense of insecurities this past month (doesn’t have to be major, it can even be a financial insecurity too…as in, how will I find the funds to carry this forward.) Be compassionate with yourself this month, don’t focus on the past or any perceived failures. And while this may sometimes be an uncomfortable message, I think meditating on and being honest with yourself as to how to move your vision forward is important. If you’ve been feeling stuck or stagnated, thinking that you’ll find the solution elsewhere is only a temporary band-aid. February will bring the shift in energies where you’ll start to experience accepting a different perspective. Your old way of seeing and believing will start to fall away. The Dissolving Light speaks of this ability to recognize the light within yourself, the answers that you hold, the inherent Divinity and allowing for it to dissolve all that is not in your highest and greatest good. From Nothing to Everything speaks about allowing yourself to be in a state of receiving.  To be in the flow of presence and to see each day as a treasure of possibility waiting to be opened.

RIGHT | The vibe I’m getting here is that in the past, rejection was just re-alignment. I can see you leaving what is familiar and comfortable towards going after what you truly want and not what others want. There is a shift occurring for you where you are more aligned with your purpose than distracted by people, circumstances and environments that are not reciprocating the love and attention that you deserve. Don’t be alarmed by the ten of earth in reverse, this is just showing me this energy of making plans to move forward and away in life. Anything that makes you question your worth and your value will start to fall away and you're going to really trust the abundance within. This is a month of really cultivating a healthier relationship with money, with abundance. The reason I feel strongly that this is the month where you wil be in alignment is because you won’t be so bonded by those that were trying to distract you or simply were not good for you. I’m getting the guidance of making an affirmation out of realizing that there are so many more people out there who truly appreciate and value you, who won't make you question yourself. If others have been holding you back, expect these people to slowly start to fall away from your life. I actually connected to a porcupine for you guys! Porcupines speak of trusting that you have boundaries up without needing to exert this and look out for people that may strike against you. It’s about trusting yourself and being action-oriented, curious and child-like at the same time. Know that you’re Divinely protected. Both oracle cards actually speak of going with the flow and not resisting the tides of change. Whatever is falling away is meant to do so, and it’s a reminder to keep the past in the past. And also of knowing that everything that you want is already on its way. There is not much you have to do except to make the first steps forward. 


What Good News + Positive Changes Are Entering Your Life? (Lunar Timing Included!)


Messages from Chiron