Autumn Energetic Forecast 2022

Autumn Energetic Forecast

The forecast is for the Collective, meant as a guide for your energy foundation. It's almost like the underlying current at play that influences us all, but you also have to consider your planetary action, your current circumstances, etc.

(Don't be discouraged as you read! It's not all doom and gloom!) This autumn brings about confrontations, either with others or within yourself and your past. The theme that I connected to the most are fires and conflicts. I kept seeing charred bodies gathering up. Confronting the past is prominent here, through those moments when we are defeated, and there is a play here of reactivity versus illumination. This is all meant to push us to a sense of enlightenment.

The vitala chakra is present here, or at least, I kept seeing burgundy and reds contrasting with shining yellows. This region governs anger and resentment, bringing about a sense of confusion. You may need to integrate forgiveness because closure will be imminent by the end of October.

I can see the Collective in two groups, or battling two distinct energies; the past and the present, anger and peace, resentment and forgiveness. Some will crumble under the tension and will be very reactive but others will understand. It's not about shaming yourself and others for these turbulent emotions, but it's about coming to a place of understanding.

Mid August - End of October:

Bramble + Mandrake + Thistle

Even difficulties are present in the cards I pulled for the Collective. Bramble acknowledges the difficulties and highlights how challenges will continue to come about through the months, but we can handle it! This is about toughening up, protecting our energy and rebuilding our defenses. Cultivating a sense of inner strength is prudent for us all. It will help us stay centered amidst any storm present. Above all else, these months are highlighting how we should always cherish those who love us, our community, our friends and family as a valuable source of abundance. Through opening up, giving others a chance, and giving back, you'll receive support and love that is needed at this time. Mandrake reminds us to be patient with others through this all. Understand that everyone is on their own journeys, especially if you're going through conflict with someone who is challenging to deal with.


Pimpernel + Feverfew + Asphodel

Asphodel is an interesting card! It mentions how the stalks of the plants blow into the dream, world where they hunt the souls of locals in order to tell them who will fall ill and die. Although it won't have the same ominous note in this reading, it's not surprising that a dream world type of card popped up in a season where we honor Samhain. This is about being conscious and aware of where the roads are leading you to. This season is great for getting divination in order to see through the fire. When you're not making conscious decisions for yourself, you allow others to take the lead...and they will. This is a season that highlights important decisions made, especially with the Bharani transit at play. Whatever you do, be mindful and selective of what and who you want in your life, and I discourage many from allowing past characters back into your life.

The best soul medicine for this season is inner strength, discernment, joy, and mindfulness.


For 2023: Intimacy & Community

