Intent with Integrity

To be a person with integrity is to align your conduct with honesty and strong moral principles. That is to make sure that you can walk your talk; what you say to others is an honest reflection of who you are and what you represent. To have integrity is that you always act with honesty even when no one is watching, that your intentions are always for the greatest and highest good of not just yourself but those around you.

When you align yourself with integrity and set intentions to only attract those with integrity, you’ll be amazed as to how seamless life propels you forward into opportunities that you’ll be able to trust. Opportunities with people, whether professional or not, where the connection is appreciated and reciprocated both ways.

I know that I’ve written about integrity about two years ago but it’s been a driving force for this year in regards to aligning myself to the best, heart-opening connections not just with others but with myself as a form of self-love and self-worth.

Integrity within the self is showing yourself the same type of love and giving yourself the same type of energy that you give to others. So if you’re a healer, you should spend some time meditating and going inward to do the same type of energy work. If you’re a yoga practitioner, take a day out and connect with your body on a more intimate and caring level the same way you do so for your students.

Living with integrity holds so many principles but I want to specifically cover appreciating those who enter your life for all they have to offer. That is to fully accept others for who they are and learn to appreciate what they have to offer the world.

That is to refrain from any low vibrational behavior of gossiping, speaking ill and even thinking poorly of others. Lack of proper perception and poor judgement that comes from a place of unawareness can really skew the reality of this person that even their flaws serve as a space for growth.

When you lack appreciation, you’ll start to completely miss the hidden gems that are right in front of you.

Integrity is an important trait that molds an impeccable leader. A leader is responsible to set a good example and it comes through developing their character.

“The superior man sets his person at rest before he moves; he composes his mind before he speaks; he makes his relations firm before he asks for something. By attending to these three matters, the superior man gains complete security. But if a man is brusque in his movements, others will not co-operate. If he is agitated in his words, they awaken no echo in others. If he asks for something without having first established relations, it will not be given to him. If no one is with him, those who would harm him draw near.” - Confucius


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Ins + Outs of Karma