An exploration of higher consciousness.

Sattva (Sanskrit: सत्त्व) is one of the three gunas or "modes of existence" meaning “light”, “purity”, and “goodness”; a way of life that represents a balance of body, mind and soul.

Sight // seeing beyond the ordinary.

I founded Sattvic Sight in 2018 as an exploration of higher consciousness through building a bridge between the spiritual and the practical. Spirituality is not meant to help you escape from the real world but to rather ground you into a healthy existence within society. Whether you're a trailblazing entrepreneur, a budding creative spirit or a nurturing mentor, I’m dedicated to guiding you towards your own sense of freedom and happiness.

Hi! My name is Catalina and I’m a psychic medium, a budding mystic and a writer. Growing up, I’ve been connected to the Spirit World, the Cosmos and my gifts with my unique path helped me conquer unimaginable fears through perseverance.

I was first aware of my healing gifts by my ability to physically heal, something later confirmed by a close aunt of mine. My hands would get hot when hovered over areas of pain in others' bodies. I quickly learned how to transition this into a healing of the soul.

My fighting spirit led me to depart from a traditional career path in digital marketing + publishing into one that helps others find their happiness through a nurturing sense of empowerment, self-discovery and truth. 

I believe that it wouldn’t be life without facing adversity, so I made it my goal to guide others to make sure they persevere with an awakened sense of inner strength and clarity. Truth has an incredible way of bringing this to us. I love to not only bring hope through guidance and healing but to instill a deep compassion within clients to share with others.

Sattvic Sight is blessed to have clients from the United States and all over the world, including Japan, Australia, India, Singapore, and more. 

A little bit about my methods:
When I heal, I use the loving energy of the earth (plants, herbs, crystals, elements and color therapy) to transmute and transform wounds and past traumas disguised as blockages. These blockages often hold people back from living an authentic and fulfilling life. 

In a deep state of meditation, I connect to the aura and work through each of the chakras and the 7 bodies: the physical | the etheric | the emotional | the mental | the will | the consciousness | the spiritual. I have the ability to tap into past lives within each chakra and to heal through the traumas of these lives. 

I work with the shadow self and helps find fragmented parts of the soul lost through moments of trauma. Through these soul retrievals, people release deep-rooted pains in order to heal its wounds with lost parts returning back to the soul.

I heal ancestral lines from negative, toxic patterns that appear throughout generations helping families create a new, hopeful legacy for themselves. I also work on healing the inner-child and reconnecting others with their most authentic self, with an understanding and healing of trauma experienced at younger ages.

My personal spiritual beliefs lie in the eastern religions of Hinduism and Mahayana Buddhism, as well as a more earth-based approach of worship. At the end of the day, my devotion lies in my heart to a greater Divinity that we find in each and every one of us.

In person sessions are currently unavailable but I offer remote sessions via a phone call, WhatsApp or Skype.

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