So You've Been Grossly Wronged. Here's What to Do:

I was inspired to write this after a conversation I had with a courageous client this morning. And I noticed that a lot of my work in 2021 and 2022 dealt with the matter of integrity, justice, and truth.

The Justice card embodied my theme for last year, and it was the card I pulled all the time. I pulled it every damn time in the upright position! The Justice card can represent legal matters, but it carries the energy of karmic justice, integrity, truth and fairness.

2021 propelled me through so many unfair situations with others where I felt manipulated, lied to, taken advantage and utterly betrayed, but with it came the strength in the wisdom all of these life experiences revealed to me.

Although I wrote another blog post about this, I feel like my experience with this theme evolved throughout the year. Here's what I learned with the hopes that it can bring you solace and closure:

  • Don't micromanage the Universe! While life may appear unfair to you, there is this Divine Order in the world where it all will balance out in Divine timing. You have to take your hands off the wheel and let it go. The difficulties that arise when you want to mircomanage what is fair and what isn't is that you can easily venture into an energy of resentment and hatred, even if you typically aren't that type of a person. It will bring out a mean-spirited energy that won't help you progress further in your life. Trust that the Universe has it under control.

  • It's teaching you a life lesson, but what is it? Underneath it all, what is this experience enlightening for you in your life? For me, it dealt heavily with being more discerning with others. I didn't quetion peoples' motivations and their intentions to get close to me, and it backfired at the end. There was always an incentive to take advantage of what I could offer them in the friendship. (Sometimes, I was fully aware that their intentions weren't honorable, but I continued by gifting them the benefit of the doubt. Nope! Not again.)

  • People make mistakes, but it doesn't define who they are. We tend to have good intentions, but due to past traumas, its triggers, and any stressors in our lives, it ends with our actions not reflecting our highest ideals. We're not meant to be perfect all the time, nor is it possible. Coming to this realization has helped me have a better understanding on others.

  • Be more compassionate towards yourself and those who have wronged you. It will ease the pain and open your heart.

  • Take accountability for your actions! Where did you participate in the situation? Where can you take more accountability for your actions? Take in consideration that circumstances can vary, but ask yourself these questions for the ones you did have a say or choice.

  • This is your moment to stand up for the truth and walk with integrity. If you are in a situation that is disadvantegous to you, stand up for yourself. Often times, this is a wake-up call about the type of relationships we form and the people we let into our closest circles. You deserve mutual respect in all of your connections!


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