Lunar Eclipse 2021 | Back to Basics

The beauty of getting knocked down by others is the process of getting back up with the drive to rediscover who you are.

When hurt people decide that their best option is to cause the demise of others, whether through words or actions, we can internalize them. We risk the possibility of allowing these words to run rampage through our emotional streams as poison.

Even when they’re not present in our lives, the ghost of their words live on as their own constantly belittling us internally.

In the Mayan belief that was taught to me, the blood represents the sacred red light of the Feminine. It’s our connection to the sacred masculine and to the sun. But it’s my way of healing through emotions and ridding of its poison. (That and connecting to the emotional body.)

When you seek harmony and release these past aspects within the self, you can remove yourself from consistently placing yourself in pain.

Especially with the upcoming lunar eclipse, it will be a trying time for us all emotionally as the moon rules this part of the self. As someone who experienced this process throughout the year, here are helpful tips:

🌴 Take time away from people. Give yourself a much needed social media + internet break. Sometimes we can feel the weight of others (and of the Collective) by being so attached to this global paradigm.
🌴 Re-visit the things that remind you of who you are. I like the idea of meditation and journeying towards a desert or a forest. But wherever you go, come across memories or aspects of yourself that highlights your best qualities. I like to listen to specific songs and feel parts of myself coming back.
🌴 Acknowledge the voices, the words, the poison and who it comes from. Confront this part of yourself because it’s not them currently saying it or committing the specific action. Where is it triggering you and most importantly, how is it not true?
🌴 Remind yourself of your own truths. Compile a list!
🌴Seeking harmony and balance is important. For me this is all about nurturing the root and the heart center. Dropping into the heart, expanding it and working with it energetically is helpful.
🌴 Give yourself space to expand as a person. Remember the world is large enough to hold you and what you want to bring into to the world.
🌴 Embrace your uniqueness in the present moment by settling into your body. Treat it like temple.

With the upcoming eclipse, take stock and show yourself some love. Take time away.


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