
The importance of your space goes beyond what the mind perceives it to be. I think real awareness blossoms when we let go of the limitations of what a concept means to us and how we can see beyond it. Our space isn't just our living situation but includes the space within your physical vessel, the depths of your emotional body, the sky within your mental body, and the transcendence within your spiritual self.

If you've ever participated in my mentorship program, you would know how much I stress creating a space for yourself is when you begin working with channeling and healing methods. When you start tapping into the spiritual realm, lighting a candle claims your space as holy and most importantly stepping into your spiritual space is where you have power and control over what you invite in or not. This all comes down to spiritual protection and a sense of clearing energetic debris that doesn't belong with you.

I call this your higher self's "house" and I use a golden sheen obsidian pyramid of mine to visualize it, to step into this space of mine. Ever since I was a little girl, in the dream world, I would encounter spirits inside my "house" and back then, I didn't understand the signficance of keeping this space clean (nor did I know anything about it.) However, the more I started to learn and work on this energetically, the more I realized that this "house" is a reflection of my inner world. When I would dream later on, I noticed my "house" adorned with the energy I'm currently filling my inner self with (in the best possible way!).

For those of you who didn't know, I've been struggling for the past two years with constant dreams of a former abusive friend that I haven't spoken to in years. My insight into why this is happening is not something I want to get into or indulge but what is frank here is that this is an unjustified invasion of my personal energetic boundaries. I asked for clarity on the matter, and a few nights ago, I dreamt of my "house." It was stunning, surrounded by autumnal foliage and golden sunlight. I did receive my clarity by seeing a crocodile trying to sneak into my "house" but I woke up with the reminder of how important it is to clear your space.

Protecting your space doesn't involve just clearing using herbs or incense, but it's a proactive and conscous act of deciding what your mind decides to focus on and what your emotions decides to consume itself with. (And by all means, I'm not saying you should ignore your body's feelings and thoughts because even the hardest and most difficult ones will teach you something.)

Protecting your space is about cultivating your inner space, your inner sactum and clearing all that doesn't align with who you are trying to become. This is about making yourself the ultimate authority figure in your life and deciding what you choose to pick up and store in your space.

The dreams regarding this individual started to fade for the first time since I started actively setting energetic boundaries, clearing her energy away and shifting my attention elsewhere.

Declutter all that doesn't empower you as a way to expand your consciousness.


Autumn Energetic Forecast 2022


July + August 2022 Energetic Forecast