Why am I seeing this celebrity?

This year was so strange when it comes to public figures. I had numerous dreams with one specific musician and kept feeling so connected with another.

Regardless of who inspires us, they represent a part of ourselves that we have yet to discover. When we feel so drawn to someone, it’s not that we’re lacking in something, rather it is that this figure is awakening something within us.

I actually had a dream that I was intimate with this specific musician and after meditating (and with further clarification from the dream world), this figure represented a part of myself that I was suppressing. The more I started to accept this part of myself, the more the dreams faded.

Because this is a general reading, these messages are coming from the higher selves of idols, historical figures, celebrities, artists, or even someone you personally know that you admire. 

Pile 1 Amaryllis “Pride” + Queen & King of Cups Rx  | This person radiates a lot of feminine energy, regardless of whatever gender they are. Whoever this person is epitomizes or even praises femininity, sensuality and crosses the bridge with abundance. I’m seeing someone who can create heaven on earth and/or materialize dreams into tangible reality, whether through art, music, poetry or movement. The message this person has for you is to be in power through stillness. There is a sense of “I don’t chase, I attract,” and a plentiful inner growth. This person encourages you to see the potential that you have within yourself and that you carry all the necessary tools in your life. For some, I’m seeing a message for you to seek out a mentor or a teacher and to build on a specific skill set that you are hoping to evolve. I can see that whoever this person is can feel misunderstood a lot and there are questions involving perceiving weakness as a strength. As in, this person had to stand in their power a lot. (To put in bluntly, I’m getting the energy of being called the B word for being a leader and having feminine energy.) This is something that you may actually be experiencing and is one of the reasons why you connect with this specific person. This person wants to make it clear that it was not easy having to navigate balancing this divine feminine energy, maintaining grace while having to stand firm. You may also experience dealing with people who do not believe in your dreams and more specifically, those who are emotionally unavailable. There is a calling to find strength in your vulnerability and allow your heart to shine through whatever your creations are. If you are confused on your path and you are looking to this figure for hope and inspiration, the medicine they offer you is to foster intimacy. Both on an internal level, really getting to know yourself through outside eyes. Asking yourself questions such as, “What makes you remarkable?” But also intimacy on an external level. Allow yourself to experience love and joy. You too can encapsulate the wavelength this figure operates on. For some, I’m also seeing patterns with parents in your life being reserved or not emotionally available and it transferring to the patterns in your love life. I think taking note of this would be helpful and to remind yourself that you’re worthy of emotionally available and loving people. Whoever this figure is that you’re asking about has a lot of Venusian energy but is a catalyst for change and growth. I would also see how it is that you can embody this energy into who you’re becoming. For some, this figure has sensual and ‘sexy’ energy as well! 

Pile 2 Crocus Nourishment + The Star + Two of Earth Rx | This figure has a lot of cosmic energy and is a source of inspiration. I don’t think they’ve ever looked to someone else for it but have always remained true to themselves. This is someone who truly trusts themselves and I’m connecting a lot to a north star. They’re always leading with their heart and always looking to something greater than a source of inspiration. Even if they are not aware of their connection, they always look to their higher selves (even unintentionally) as a way forward. These are eccentric beings and I’m connecting heavily to writers, filmmakers, scientists, something cutting edge and out of the box. A lot of non-conformity here. This pile has more masculine energy, again regardless of gender, so I’m seeing figures who go out and do it. They act on their creative impulses. (I love channeling this and then flipping over the cards to see the Star!) Are some of you frustrated and even angry at where you’re currently at with your endeavor? I’m seeing the frustration of not being farther along or even looking to others and comparing your progress. This is unfair for you! Everyone has different paths and speeds. Diving timing also comes into play. The message this person has for you is to be patient. Whoever this figure is tends to spend a lot of time alone and encourages this for you. I’m seeing that they have their own safe space where they go and decompress. It’s almost like their Garden of Eden. This figure is saying that if you feel stuck, it’s not that things aren’t working out for you but that it’s time to go within and to tend to your body, mind and soul. The Star here is pure auspiciousness! I’m seeing it as a reminder for you that you can also be a source of inspiration and need to see yourself as that. There’s also a message for you to connect deeply to your imagination and to start having fun with it. You have to start having fun with your path and whatever it is that you’re working on because this person is great with this part of their lives. They see their passions as fun, a playground of sorts and never as work. I’m seeing the guidance for you to remove the input from those around you and to follow your own north star. There is this beautiful energy of being present and having fun in the moment that can help you remove any blockages or feelings of stagnation. For some, I’m getting the message of dressing the way that you truly want to express yourself. This figure may dress a certain way that inspires you and it’s simply them being them and living fearlessly. Whoever this figure is, they want you to get back to the basics of yourself and to go from there. Don’t let mistakes hold you back. That’s all part of the process.

Pile 3 | This figure is purely experimental and I’m seeing that they embrace duality. They are both light and dark and they own it! I’m seeing this person is oneness and is someone who completely accepts every part of themselves. That which is flawed, hard, and painful and that which is dreamy, romantic, charismatic. It is channeled into whatever it is that they create and put into this world. I’m seeing a trailblazer and someone with a lot of momentum. The vision I connect to a lot for them is lightning. Pure energy, strength and a lot of forward movement. Think horses that are set free! Whoever this figure is commands respect and truly appreciates themselves, as in they have great self-worth. They never cut themselves short. I’m seeing Emperor-like energy. Their energy can be somewhat dense and compressed so they can be in their head a lot. When I flipped the cards over, what struck me was the Queen of Wands and Four of Cups. Their message for you is to never settle for less. Don’t put yourself down. This figure is encouraging you to step up and to stand in your power. There is this sense of authority that they walk with. They may have this aura of power when they walk into a room. If this is something that you see or maybe subconsciously pick up on, it is something that you have the ability to do on your own. This figure may have had to forge their own path without much help other than their talents. This is something you’re more than capable of doing. The message they have for you is that if you feel like you’ve been shorthanded by people, if you’ve been taken advantage of or you experienced a situation where your self worth was challenged, you have to forgive. Because this person lives with an understanding of non-duality and self-acceptance, it’s easy for them to not judge others and to understand their perspectives. This is an intense energy. You may feel drawn to their intensity because it’s something you hold within that others may mislabel. I’m getting phoenix energy here as well. This person allows themselves to go through rebirths or rising out of darkness into just momentum. Allow yourself to renew but don’t make yourself hard. Don’t allow the world to burn out the fire in your heart. 


Essence Beneath Consciousness


2022 for the Collective