2022 for the Collective


2022 will be a year of yellows for the Collective. I know the numerology is already determined but I strongly connect to the number 3 as our foundational energy.

It's a year of building, studying, networking and a year of the solar plexus.
The world will generally be working hard but how we go about it will be the lesson we all will experience. Our definition and emotions attached to what success means to us will also influence us.
The energy will feel very fast-paced. Internally you may feel restless, eager, enthusiastic or like "time is running out,"like there is an "approaching deadline" that never comes.

We may experience feeling like we have to follow herd mentality too. This year will make us either really commit to what we want or to put it aside for something else. There will be themes of non-conformity versus conforming, the individual versus the group, and so on.

We will feel inclined to seek out groups that connect to our purpose. It's definitely a year that calls us to socialize but to balance it with retreating into our internal world to better understand ourselves.

I'm also connecting heavily to space so cosmic expeditions or news may heavily inspire us. But in a personal level, the cosmos is associated with our soul purpose that remains there to lead the way despite what others may say or think.
2022 has a very solar, masculine energy that will encourage us to believe in ourselves and to put out our soul's work into the world.

I'm also seeing a lot of studying. Learning and academia will be significant and may even be news-worthy here in the U.S. But on a personal level, this is a year to expand the consciousness through learning. If you feel inspired to enroll in a class or workshop, whether at an institution or in a smaller group, go for it.

How you go about this year will be up to you. Will you succumb to jealousy seeing what others are progressing towards or their accomplishments? Or will you support them? Will you allow your soul to shine fearlessly? Will you have the humility needed to have enthusiasm to learn something new, even a new perspective on something you may have been against?


Why am I seeing this celebrity?


Your Themes for 2022