July + August 2022 Energetic Forecast

Check out my Instagram to see pictures of the card spreads. Answers are below!

LEFT | There's a new start beckoning you this July + August and you may have to go about it alone. There's a sense that you'll feel more responsible for yourself, more like you're deciding what you want and there's also a strong signficance of, "I create my own luck." Because of the phrase, "I create my own luck," there may more work required out of you in order to get this off the ground. I'm also seeing the signficance of aquiring a new skillset or studying a new subject. It feels like not a lot of people will agree with your choice and/or you'll keep yourself on the down low when it comes to this new opportunity. Unfortunately, I see that there's been a lot of conflict when it comes to your peer group around you, either feeling like they're dragging you down into a petty competition or there's a feeling of inequality and low vibraitonal behavior. The best advice here is to distance yourself from people, behavior, and environments that aren't aligned with your goals. This is the opportune time to set boundaries, carve your own path and go about it on your own without the melodrama. By the end of August, you'll be tying up loose ends with conflicts of the past and the harmful conditioning it imposed on you. I see more self-awareness and, from that, more a committment to yourself. It's like you'll be stripping away conditioning that isn't true of you. I don't want to instill fear or worry into anyone, but I see a lot of envy within that page of cups energy. Just be more mindful and vigilant and know that you decide what is for your best in this life. Sometimes it's as easy as walking away and saying no. I'm also seeing here to be careful of anyone wanting to seek forgiveness as a way to re-enter your life.

GUIDANCE | Ocean Cradle + Nurture Yourself | Ocean Cradle is a card that beckons the creative spark. The affirmation is, "My dreams are the touchstone for my creativity. I am held and supported by the natural flow of inspiration." You're being asked to connect to your well of inspiration and to actualize it into reality through the intention of visualization. Allow your dreams to carry you forward, and don't be afraid to seek what you're passionate about.

Nurture Yourself bodes well for the complicated energy of those around you this month and a half. This is another reminder to be wary of surrounding yourself with the right people and to disconnect yourself both physically and energetically from those that can be draining of you. "I am focusing on my own inner light. I treasure my sacred vessel." This is about taking care of you and only you. Tending to your sacred vessel in all capacity, which includes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Do anything which stabilizes your energy and empowers you in all areas of your well-being.

MIDDLE | Your goal for this month and a half is to seek what inspires you and to replenish your spirit. There's a sense here of needing to feel passionate about life once again and tending to your heart and root chakras. I can see that for a lot of you, you may feel like life is pushing you along and as if you don't have any say, but there's a strong guidance here to put a stop to it. Start to connect to your passions and envision your life the way you would like to see it. There's a sense here of feeling dormant, and asleep while you're going about your day. Do whatever you can to feel more revitalied, more awakened. I'm connecting strongly here to nature and spending more time hiking or camping. Allow the natural world to inspire you in order for you to feel more capable of building something. I'm also seeing here a bit of an isolated energy as well. It's so important here to put your self out there in order to meet more like-minded people who can inspire you. And within the three of cups I'm seeing a bit of comparisons between you and others. Comparing yourself to others isn't fair to you at all! We're all on different journeys, here to achieve different things. This can be a powerful period of healing for you if you commit yourself to creating a change.

GUIDANCE | Recalibration + Inner Compass | The affirmations of the Recalibration card are, "I am so much more than my thoughts. I am returning to a place of heaven on earth within me." This is a powerful card of nourishing your nervous system and finding a sense of stillness and peace within the mind. Don't allow for your thoughts to take control of your life and your reality. This is about feeling more relaxed in our bodies and more at flow. Practicing pranayama breathing techniques could be very helpful for you during this period of your life.

Inner Compass is so on par with the messages above. This is about following your soul's purpose, your north star. The affirmations here are, " I am guided by my inner compass of purpose and intuition. I have faith in my vision. I am resilient to challenges." The guidance here is to wash away the ego drama of comparisons, judgements, and conditioning, in order to follow our true purpose. You're being asked to trust the nudges of your intuition and to have courage moving forward even if you may not have all the details.

RIGHT | This month and a half is about moving forward with purpose and conviction. You guys will be in an empowered and resilient energy and there's a strong sense here of getting things done and accomplished. I don't think anything can hold you back but there is sometimes a bit of upheavel when you operate in a tunnel vision type of capactiy. I feel that you guys already have an understanding about a karmic lesson in your life and you've been starting to implement it. A lot of it has to deal with your mental body, knowing how to handle your pros and cons of your mind (in whatever ways this is applicable to you.) I'm seeing a lot of discernment, knowing what is for you and what isn't. July and August will feel like a very busy time period too because the four of swords is reversed. You won't be waiting anymore for permission to get things started or done. Regardless of gender, you're coming out like the Queen of Swords. This energy is carrying an independent, determined, and inquisitve nature for you. Over all, the foundation for this time period seems really great to make strides.

GUIDANCE | Inner Strength + Protection | I love these two cards for this time period. The affirmations for Inner Strength are, "I am deepening into each present moment. I am learning just how strong I can be, and what I am fully capable of. I rise to new occasions and lessons along my path. I coast with the ups and downs. I know change is a constant force." The guidance here really is to stand firm within yourself, to know you are capable of handling anything life has to offer you in the future and to disconnect from any hardships of the past. This is really about cultivating self-reliance and developing a sense of faith in yourself. "You are enough. You are resilient and nothing can stop you."

Protection is another great card to carry you throughout July and August. This one is clear and simple. Be mindful about who you decide to give your precious energy to. This is about allocating your time in an appopriate manner and creating boundaries by stepping away from anything this depleting. Think about where you can create more boundaries in your life, even in your mental space. Are there people you need to let go energetically?




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