Messages from Chiron

What is Chiron in astrology? It represents an area of our chart where there is great potential for healing. Our deepest wounds are represented there.

“Chiron is named after a Greek healer, philosopher, and teacher who, ironically, could not heal himself, and is symbolized by a key, demonstrating the importance of unlocking this minor planet's major lessons.”

I did not find out about Chiron until this year and it makes sense for my 4H placements where a lot of my wounds stem from home life and my mom. Awareness is the first key to wisdom and greater understanding.

Pick a pile to see what messages Chiron has for you at this time on your journey. ❤️‍🩹

Pile 1 | Past Lives + Trinity + Queen of Wands + Page of Wands | At this moment, you are being asked to reflect from an outside perspective on how your issues within your family are affecting your ability to form healthy relationships. I’m seeing more of feminine energy within this group, so regardless of what gender you are, this is influencing your feminine friendships. Within your family, I’m seeing an unhealthy power dynamic between two female siblings (although this can also apply to a relationship between you and a mother, a female cousin and so forth.) I’m seeing multiple scenarios here: a slight insecurity here to feeling the need to assert your dominance, or to overtly claim space here or a history having to be the responsible one (whether this is a role you placed upon yourself or was unfairly placed unto you.) Throughout the process, you have given yourself a role that you didn’t need to take on and it alienates others. You are being asked to drop the hierarchical mentality that you have adopted and to foster a sense of equality between friendships and in this family dynamic. You fall into a place of security that comes from a source of peace instead of a false need to be in control. Again, there are some forms of insecurity that are asking to be acknowledged here at this time. Adopting a sense of understanding for the other person within the family dynamic can help begin the process of healing. I’m seeing a lot of misunderstandings here and an inability to become tender and soft for another. (aka, I can see you being a bit too stubborn!) How this can play out beyond the family unit is in unhealthy female friendships or romantic relationships where you won’t allow another person to step up and allow them to shine just as equally as you. You can also end up pushing people away due to a fear that the other person will gain control and power over you. If you notice, there is a deeper lack of inner security and stability at play here that doesn’t need to persist any longer. Chiron wants you to have trust for others and to allow others to grace you with love or admiration. Release fears that there is an ulterior motive or there are strings attached. And you guessed it, there is a past life wound here that is ready to be acknowledged, healed and resolved.

Pile 2 | Co-Creation + Three of Cups + Three of Wands + Elemental Embrace | Wow, so threes are definitely your number. You’re being asked to believe in the impossible right now and to live life based on your authentic truth…and your truth is wild. This is a pile that thinks outside of the box, that doesn’t live within the constructs of society. This is the free-spirits, the entrepreneurial souls that need to live life based on adventure and fearlessness. Chiron wants you to trust the beat in your heart and the pulse that drives you forward on adventure without thinking so much on the doubts. You’re not meant to live life based on rules but rather create them for yourself. I’m seeing someone who holds themselves back a lot, unnecessarily. If you’ve been feeling distressed or just unstable, it’s due to you not embracing this part of yourself. It’s almost like there are two versions of yourself trying to do things differently. One is definitely what others and society expects of you and the other is what you really want to do…but I feel like that side of you is buried and dormant at the moment. Chiron is encouraging you to manifest at this time. To place the voices of others outside of your mind and to silence them once and for all. There’s a feeling of working alongside others, networking and socializing to help you move forward. To feel more connected with your world even if it doesn’t inspire you. This is definitely the energy of finding magic in the mundane and creating more of it. Also, you’re being encouraged to find and connect with more like-minded individuals. People who really accept you for who you are and encourage you to step into the full version of who you want to become. It’s time you stop holding yourself back and shift your perspective into seeing that this world is full of possibility and adventure.

Pile 3 | Saint / Sinner + Flaming Tropicals + Two of Cups + Five of Crystals Rx | Chiron wants you to find the light within the darkness, to walk toward your brightest north star. This is the pile of a group really experiencing some sort of internal darkness (or having come out of it and is arriving at a point of wisdom!) I’m seeing a need to embrace the duality in your life and to not reject it within yourself. This pile needs to be liberated from internalized feelings of unworthiness and guilt placed on you by the wrong connections in your life. There’s a calling for you to acknowledge the need to release ideas and beliefs that you know are not aligned with your purpose and your identity. You know who you are and it’s time to stop allowing other people to control your narrative. Embrace your duality, embrace your light and your darkness and the courage that you have to grow within this. People who understand duality are able to really master a greater sense of wisdom. The phrase I want to use for this group is growing between the cracks and a need to bring all parts of yourself together in perfect harmony, and to accept this unison of the self. I’m seeing someone who compartmentalizes different versions of themselves. When you begin to walk fully in your own power, in your own oneness, then you will start to attract the right people in your life. When you start to acknowledge all these pieces and bring them together, you’ll start to reconnect with your internal flame, your passions. Chiron here is influencing your relationships with others too, as in the people in your life are at this time really serving as a mirror for you. They are reflecting the areas back at you where you don’t feel enough or where there is a negative self-judgment that needs to be brought to light. So take note of the recent karmic connections that have ended or are currently ending. Just know that you are worthy of the right connections in your life, you are worthy of love.

Pile 4 | Eternal Embrace + Together We Fly + The Chariot + Two of Swords Rx | Chiron is encouraging you to gain a higher perspective on a connection in your life. This isn’t specific to romance or platonic, but what is coming through is an incredibly deep and intimate connection. There’s a hesitation here of either deepening the connection or reconciling it. The overall theme of this pile is to embrace others’ differences while also safe to connect with another through deep vulnerability. You’re being asked to really trust this person and to shed away any illusions that are causing a form of separation. This pile also has a lot of indecisiveness and a mental plague about other people. All I hear are “what-ifs” or doubts about the other but I would encourage you to meditate on these questions. Is this coming out of a place of fear of not being in control of the connection? Or having expectations too structured for the other? This group is similar to pile 1 where there is a need to have a sense of equality here between one another. You have to give this other person the space to be themselves without judgment. A healthy sense of love we have for another is present when we give them the room to have freedom, when we give love without attachments or conditions. While pile 1 focuses more on a familial relationship, this one definitely is not that. You also may be feeling energetically linked to this person at this time as I’m seeing a lot of violets (crown) and there is a physical sensation in the upper part of the head. There’s a sense of really feeling synced up at the time. You’re being asked to charge forward with this connection and to allow for the differences between the two of you to exist in perfect harmony. This connection is meant to bring a higher state of awareness for the both of you and feels like a Divinely-guided soulmate connection. (Please keep in mind that this is a non-toxic one. So if you’re thinking this is about a toxic ex, think again.) 


February Shifts


Healing the Will: Self-Worth