Your Themes for 2022

Make sure to pick a pile first before you scroll down and read your annual forecast!

PILE 1 | Four of Swords Rx + Page of Cups Rx + Awakening Rx | 2022 will usher in a period of maturity for you as I can see someone transitioning emotionally from a phase of a maiden towards that of a woman. (If you’re a male reading this, then think from a teenage, adolescent boy to that of an adult man.) I can see that memories from the past will resurface, either through your dreams or through sheer coincidence in the waking world. You may bump into someone significant from the past or have a project that covers a theme that has a strong emotional connection with your past. What I’m essentially seeing is that doors are open here this year and it feels like it’s a blessing and an opportunity that loose ends aren’t completely tied up. You’ll have the opportunity to maybe create necessary adjustments within connections or to finally address something that has been holding you back. For some, what is holding you back is a pattern that feels self-sabotaging. It seems like a year of personal development and growth within relationships, and mind you, all areas of our lives are connected. How we handle personal relationships can carry onto our work environment and affect how we function there, and so forth.

With this Awakening (Judgement Rx), I’m seeing several options: An unhealthy pattern of how you express your frustration, and even rage due to feelings of inferiority or insecurity. There’s a harmful mental comparisons going on in your mind where you’re not able to see how talents take patience to cultivate and your talents + strengths.

I’m seeing an inability to trust others because you are afraid of being taken advantage of due to past disappointments or even for some, an inability to really express and voice yourself here without feeling limited.

Ultimately, with this period of self-development and maturation, you’re going to start weeding out what you want and don’t want while making active steps towards it. Think baby steps and the visual I’m getting is someone writing down their ten year plan. You’re in it for the long-term and you want to make sure the decisions you make are best suited for who you visualize yourself to be.

If you feel confused, don’t worry about it and give yourself patience. It will feel like a process of mutual elimination, avenues you may be interested in will say no and you may say no to options as well. (I’m specifically getting an either-or scenario here so having to make a decision between two major things more aligned with career/purpose.)

You’ll be laying down the framework or the blue print here, so I’m seeing brainstorming and preparatory stages here that will come through moments of inspiration. I started getting a vision of someone looking up at the clouds on a golden, sunny day. You have to really trust yourself and your intuition here, I’m specifically getting to trust your instinct.

It will be good that you’ll be experiencing this maturation because I’m seeing moments where you’ll have to make important family decisions, maybe once or twice. Family and providing support for family will be here but I’m seeing as guidance for you guys to not be afraid to step up and take the lead here. I’m also seeing you guys needing to financially help support your family or lending them more of your time or emotional support than normal. I got a vision of someone holding ropes tied to each family member and helping them push forward together. Don’t underestimate your strength for the task. Family healing and bonding will also help with this stage of your life. It will help bring further clarity to any of the patterns that you’ll be tackling this year. Mothers will play a significant role as well, as I’m seeing further ancestral healing taking place.

PILE 2 | Eight of Crystals + Three of Swords Rx + Nine of Cups Rx | I’m seeing you guys putting your life back together after some sort of upheaval taking place in 2021. You will really foster this energy of feeling independent and self-reliant which is really wonderful. It seems like an ambitious energy but a warrior-type one. I also see something similar to Pile 1 where you guys will be making plans but I see more action here and more steady movement forward. It won’t happen fast but you will see things fall into place for you guys. This feels very work and career based. I can’t help but say that there’s also an academic touch to this group so you may be going into university or even taking courses to pursue what you’re talented in, what you have to offer the world.

I wouldn’t say this is a month of sacrifice but I am seeing putting aside what you personally may want with having to put in the effort and work. I do see as guidance that you guys will have to be proactive about making sure there is a healthy work-life balance so you can keep your vessel replenished.

With the Three of Swords reversed here is that whatever it is you are working on will help heal wounds that are present for you. It has a very phoenix energy where you guys will be rising out of some sort of heartache and destruction. What I see in the three of swords for you is feeling defeated, feeling incapable, or like people told you that you couldn’t achieve something. There are a lot of limitations that others tried to place on you that are coming from around you. Again, I’m seeing a phoenix rising from the ashes here.

Whatever it is that you are pursuing, is something that is very near and dear to your heart. There’s a lot of emotions tied to it and it is something that I would consider to be very healing to others as well. It has sustenance and feels meaningful. I can see you guys starting to tackle things more independently and on your own terms. It also feels like whatever this is will challenge the mainstream, it has a very underdog but with a lot of potential behind it type of energy.  

I’m getting guidance that you guys should make an intention to align yourself with people, circumstances and environments that will help support and nourish what you have to offer and what you’re trying to create. Be mindful to not spend your time with people that do not encourage what you’re trying to go after this year. You may have associated with people that didn’t support you in 2021 but this year is asking you to make the necessary changes towards this. Be sure their intentions align with yours and learn to trust your intuition. If anything happened against you in 2021 that you felt was a grave injustice, feel safe knowing that all is taken care of for you and there’s no need to keep that energy of disappointment and frustration within you.

It’s nice because I can see that this year will go smoothly as long as you remain innocent to the possibility of what you can achieve. Remaining flexible and open-minded will take you far. Whatever you are working on feels like it will be woven by the ebbs and flows of 2022. There is an energy of expansiveness here that you can use to your benefit. With the amount of water energy here, it’s a portal to take inspiration from your imagination, intuition and dreams. You are literally building a dream into reality.

PILE 3 | Wheel of Fortune + Four of Crystals + Queen of Swords | You guys have a fierce and determined energy for 2022 and again, the queen of swords represents you regardless of gender. This pile feels a bit guarded, both emotionally and physically and I can see that this upcoming year will provide forward movement but also opportunities to address what may be holding you back or why you feel as if you need to wear energetic armor. There is guidance asking you to soften your heart and to drop your shield.

There is an energy here of movement as well, so you may be moving to another home, city or have recently relocated.

Emotional intelligence is a theme for you guys, deciding how you discern judgement in a healthier manner and how you ration out your time and effort.

There is a calling to be more inclusive with others, as you may be approached with suggestions. I’m also seeing a need to be open to suggestions and guidance.

I’m getting a vision of a bird so freedom here will be very important.

Because time is very malleable and out of my control to tap into, there will be a significant event in 2022 (or it barely happened towards the end of 2021) that really is testing your feeling of security. This doesn’t feel just like security of the self but as well as financial security and the image of homes keeps popping up. You’ll be led to really let go of expectations that you had for yourself or your idea of what success looks like to you. It’s more of what success means for you.

For some of you, I’m seeing disharmony within the workplace where you will have to stand your ground for 

There is guidance for you guys to really start making decisions out of a combined place of intuition and logic. The stone of this pile is a rainbow moonstone which is a stark contrast compared to the energy of this pile. If you were to allow your heart to take the lead and to trust that you’re already a very intelligent person, it would make things run smoothly. When using intuition, remember to be mindful about any judgements that you may be placing on others.

I also see travel towards more nature-like areas to discover yourself and really begin some nurturing process. I’m connecting a lot to forests, wooded areas where the climate is a bit on the chillier side. 

Overall, this year will help you release any fears you may have about putting your first foot forward in the direction that you pick and choose. It has a very independent-type of energy where you’ll have to rely a bit more on yourself than on others. Honor the intensity that your soul holds. 

PILE 4 | Three of Crystals + Six of Wands Rx + Six of Crystals Rx | You’ll be entering 2022 with a lot of excitement and an abundance of energy that is ready to be harnessed. It feels like life may have been a bit slower and stagnated in 2021 or you were disconnected from the passionate side of life.

This will be a year that will be focused on advancing your career. One thing that you’ll encounter is a need to be selective about who you associate yourself with. There are similarities in this group with pile 2, especially with being mindful of making sure you connect with people who want to see you succeed. The affirmation: “I align myself with people, circumstances and environments that will help support and nourish what you have to offer and what you’re trying to create,” would be a great one to meditate on. The vibe I’m getting is that you’ll be going against the norm in your group or will have the opportunity to work with a more exclusive company or project. You’ll feel more secluded and consumed in work that it can create suspicion among others.

Be cautious about peoples’ intentions but don’t be overly paranoid about it either. Be comfortable with trusting your intuition when it comes to these types of things and as long as you happily establish some boundaries or say “no”, all should be well. Be mindful about people that enter your life as well to make sure they’re not derailing you from your goals. This can come in the form of distractions or even taking on too many work/projects.

I don’t like the idea of inciting fear or paranoia but it won’t be as bad as it seems. You will know how to handle it and it’s just a matter of adjusting to make sure we’re surrounded by supportive and positive people.

My focus is really on the three of earth for you guys. Whatever this forward movement in your career is will involve some sort of studying and practicing. It feels like you’re being prepared for a role and I do see the significance of a mentor coming through. You’ll have one solid individual that will help teach you throughout the year. This can even be a business partnership for some.

The beauty of this year is the abundance of prosperity in your life. Not just financially but through the opportunity that you’ll encounter this year. I see a lot of progress and it will inspire you to keep momentum forward. You’ll have the energy and the drive. It feels 2021 was a year for you to completely recharge. I can see that’s why you may be attracting difficult people because of the surplus that you’ll have within you…although it doesn’t mean you should give it away to people who will not appreciate you.

You’ll be aligning with your specific purpose and I know I’m being redundant but you’ll be meeting the right people in 2022. I can also see for those single individuals wishing to meet a significant other, the opportunities will be present there as well. I can see you meeting people that inspire you that are on a higher place in life. You just can’t do it completely alone and you’ll have to put yourself out there a bit when it comes to networking and socializing. It will be worth it in the long run because you’ll be creating something out of it.

The guidance I’m getting you for guys is to stay in alignment. That means, cut out thoughts, people, places that you know won’t serve you in the long run. You also have to shift your mindset towards that of growth. I would adopt an affirmation routine where you reprogram your subconscious into knowing that you are lucky in career, that you’re successful and the like.


2022 for the Collective


Lunar Eclipse 2021 | Back to Basics