What Good News + Positive Changes Are Entering Your Life? (Lunar Timing Included!)

The Collective is currently shifting towards a light pink vibration, one of the upper heart chakra that is more compassionate and altruistic. There is a sense of connecting to some heart healing here via clarity and a lot of closure. You’ll be encouraged to approach life through the beat of your heart, almost like you’ll be wearing rose-colored lenses!

The pink lotus is coming through as a plant guide for us all. The message here is one of SIMPLICITY. This can come through a nudge to cut through any illusions, distractions or even misunderstandings. Going back to priorities or to basics will really help catapult you.

In the meantime, pick a pile below!

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Pile 1 | This is a healing pile where you'll experience harmony in your life after processing some pain or conflict in your life. I'm seeing you may have the opportunity or chance to have a "spa day" and to recalibrate your body, mind, and soul. There is a sense of finally coming into alignment and feeling more nourished and revitalized. If you're a spiritual practitioner, I can see you traveling to pick up or deepen your knowledge. Even if you don't travel, this can come through meeting a mentor via Zoom. This knowledge has a feeling that it comes from a different culture or outside of your realm of expertise. (Actually, you don't have to be a spiritual practitioner for that message, but you'll be taking steps forward based on your intuition.) The positive change is that you'll feel more stable in who you are, your place in the world, and especially as to your ability to be financially independent. You'll start to get waves of inspiration as to what your next steps are and what you'd like to accomplish. If you've been feeling unable to get the ball rolling or almost like you're the victim of circumstances or you have no place in creating something for yourself in this world, that mentality will be changing. I can see that maybe others may have doubted you in the past or didn't take you seriously, or perhaps, they didn't allow you to move on your terms. Through this forward movement, there will be strengthening your relationship with yourself. I'm just seeing someone who was possibly shamed for expressing certain parts of their selves or who had to hide these certain parts away. If you've been around people who debilitated how you viewed yourself and your relation with or role in this world, that will change. You'll start to see more potential in yourself and in what you can create. I keep seeing a waterfall, so that may have some specific relation to you, but I'm seeing this waterfall as a source of nourishment. I'm also seeing leadership energy in this pile, so opportunities may arise to where you can lead others from the unique way you view this world and as to how you move about in this world. Hibiscus flowers are coming through as guides, so more passion, vitality, and a sense of an emotional detox are present here. You may want to incorporate hibiscus tea into your diet (if it's safe to do so) and drink with intention. TIMING: First Quarter Waxing Water Moon \ Balsamic Waning Earth Moon

Pile 2 | The positive changes entering your life are through more heart-centered and uplifting connections. There is a feeling of separating from a lot of excess in your life that wasn't really allowing you to create a shift in your heart center. Whether it was people or behaviors, they are no longer aligned with you and it doesn't bring out the best in you. I'm seeing keeping your personal circle small. There are elements about your personality that should be surrounded by people who nurture it. Meaning there is a tenderness that wants to emerge from you but you haven't created the right space for it yet. You'll be meeting people that will help you through this. I'm getting someone sifting through sand to find gold nuggets. With the Five of Cups, it's almost like you were sucked dry by other people or weren't emotionally nourishing yourself in the right way by acknowledging some certain deeper area of pain. You'll be taught and encouraged that it's okay to lower the defenses and to be more vulnerable, not just in private. I'm seeing you embarking on a journey of self-discovery and of the heart that will eventually be tied up materially. It's almost like you want to try your hands at something new, maybe investing in a passion project but it's something that has an emotional connection with you. Whatever it is, it will require you to invest time and money into it and you'll have to be patient. There's a lot of figuring out details but it starts by meeting the right people. You'll have to allow yourself to step out of the known and into the unknown. It's almost like life has become too monotonous. While you may not have it all figured out, a lot of the initial major steps will come from not knowing and spending time in the void. You have to trust in your heart more than in your logical side. I think that's the source of challenge for you. You may feel alone at first or like no one around you understands you but you have to trust yourself. Be aware that your soul wants something and others may not understand. But I am seeing the creation of a new "family" whether of friends or an actual family. TIMING: Full Moon Air \ Last Quarter Waning Air Moon

Pile 3 | The positive changes entering your life is a lot of empowerment after experiencing devastation in your life. The ten of swords is one of the most painful cards of the Tarot. With the ten of swords, I'm seeing obstacle after obstacle or like you couldn't come out of a certain situation. For some, I'm seeing this as severe anxiety or possibly depression and an overall feeling of hopelessness. There's a sense that a lot of it had to do with timing and it depends on your individual circumstances but I think you'll quickly realize that a lot of what happened was meant to foster a deep well of wisdom within you. If things, people, or opportunities were abruptly taken away then it was for the best. You may have felt that nothing was happening for you and that your life was barren. Out of the three piles, you'll be entering a completely new phase in your life and it will come from wanting and putting into action the desire to create the changes you wish to see in your life. You'll be living as your own figure of authority and I can see you calling the shots in your life. Another positive change is mental well-being. Your perspective will change and you'll start to see life as full of potential and limitless. With the Hierophant, I can see you finding stability when it comes to a career or a job. Some sort of foot in the ground after feeling like a rug has been pulled up from under you. Life may feel slow still but enjoy this temporary period of stillness. I'm getting the guidance for you guys to see the beauty in what is currently around you and for you to connect to a state of bliss. You guys will be actively creating the life that you want to experience. Whatever it is that you feel called to do, you'll be the authority figure in this. You'll also be respecting yourself more for it and commanding a sense of respect for the value that you'll bring. The flower guide I connect to here is Tiger Lilies, which brings an energy of confidence, integrity, and wealth. TIMING: Full Moon Water \ First Quarter Waxing Fire Moon


Lunar Eclipse 2022


February Shifts