What People Are Saying

“I have had the pleasure of working with Catalina over a period of time through her 1-1 mentorship as well her healing sessions and aura readings. Each session with her has always left me feeling connected, confident and empowered. Catalina is a great practitioner and teacher, since working with her I have really been able to tap into and hone in on my abilities, she was beyond generous with sharing her path, abilities and insights. She has always been encouraging throughout each session, working with Catalina has been one of the reasons I have been able to step into my confidence which was something I always struggled with and has been extremely pivotal. Catalina is incredibly knowledgeable and encouraging, she has this natural way of connecting with you that feels inviting and personal. If you are looking for a mentor to guide you and a healer to support, I would recommend working with Catalina long term, she is gifted both as a practitioner, psychic, healer and as a teacher. She truly is able to get to the root of things, without you having to share your experiences with her because of her innate ability to read people and energy.” -Kiran S.


“I recently had an aura and shadow self reading done by Catalina and she was incredibly accurate and honestly, amazing. If you’re looking for aura or shadow self readings, she’s your woman. Hands down.”

— Courtney

“Yeah I was honestly a little bit skeptical about doing a reading over the phone, however you saw straight into everything I’ve been grappling with and it was deeply resonant.”

— Client

“It’s amazing how accurate you are and speak specifically to situations in my life without even knowing what’s going on! Also so special to me that you can clarify these situations for me and help see things that I’m feeling and not really sure what to do.”

— Kimi P. (Channeling Session)


“My divine feminine healing brought to light a lot of past relationship issues I had not fully processed, and helped me feel and work through them. During one part of the healing, a part of my body that had been injured by a past partner started to pulse and throb. Medically it’s fully healed, but this session brought up some residual anger and pain I had to process and work through. The next part we moved into cooled my whole body down again and any pain that had been triggered dissipated instantly. After the session I felt energy moving and flowing throughout my body, all this stuck energy that had to be moved and cleared. I left with a bit of pressure in my head and later felt lighter as all the emotions came into motion and left my body. Then after everything, I felt exhausted since all of this stuck energy had been flowing through and out of me, but in the end it was amazing and clearing and making way for new positive changes to come in.”

— Kimi P. // Sacred Feminine Healing

“I’ve had two unique healing sessions with Catalina. Both were eye-opening , effective, and transformative in how I view what my mind and body can truly benefit from. Catalina feels and knows the areas of the body that need emotional or physical healing - without me even telling her about particular traumas or areas I feel like need work. The most amazing part of her work is her ability to help me recognize and acknowledge things I never focused on before. She explains everything so well and goes above and beyond to make sure I feel comfortable. The days following the healing consists of processing and feeling like the start of progress in the right direction. The sessions have given me so much clarity in the steps I want to take to get closer to the person I want to be and better understand how to take better care of my self. ”

— Katie // Sacred Feminine Healing + Healing Session + Channeling Session

“Wow. I can’t thank you enough. Although always curious I have never explored past life experiences. Your reading resonates STRONGLY.”

— Client // Past Life Channeling

“Knee problems have been an issue for years thanks to sports and such. By doing a physical healing, she was able to explain everything thoroughly and then performed the healing. After she was thru, the effects were immediate in being able to fully use and move without it hurting for the first time in what feels like forever.” - A formerly limping client // Physical Healing Session

Journey of the Sacred Feminine + Shadow Healing

"I firmly believe that people enter your life when you are ready for them, and I’m sure that Catalina is no exception to that. I’d been mulling over some significant life shifts over the past years, and was feeling an overwhelming sense of stagnation that I couldn’t shake off. I knew I wanted change but struggled to affirm my own confidence and power to myself ongoingly. I’d been working with ancestral plant medicine, energy healing, and astrology for a few years now, and had begun to open myself to inviting well ancestors into my various healing modalities. A friend mentioned that she had been doing channeling and tarot sessions with Catalina, and that she felt deep comfort and understanding with her. Trusting in her recommendation, I reached out to Catalina for a tarot and aura session to begin with. I was immediately taken by her direct, yet gentle, generous, and curious approach. She was incredibly perceptive of the creative curiosities and desires that I hadn’t been naming to myself, and affirmed a few possibilities that I wanted to explore. I loved that she recommended several crystals, stones, and colors to work with. She was also very sensitive to my wanting to connect with certain ancestral lineages, and suggested a few places to dive deeper into my personal studies. She could tell that I am very active in my crown and recommended that I start working with herbs like bobinsana to help with dream work, and helped me source it from an herbal shop nearby. I left that initial session feeling expansive and invigorated. 

I then came back to Catalina for a Journey of the Sacred Feminine Healing session, and a Shadow Healing session. I carry a lot of stress and memory in my hips and sacrum area. She immediately picked up on that and suggested that I may be carrying passed down trauma from my mother and her difficult birth experience with me. She was able to paint a picture of what that experience was like for my mother, and helped clear that residual emotional pain away. We were also able to speak through some residual blockages from experiences I’ve had with sexual trauma, and she guided me towards some closure I’d been seeking there too. I didn’t realize how much of the pain I was carrying was affecting my access to sacred feminine energy, and my ability to create and manifest, so I was thankful for this experience. 

With the Shadow Healing session, Catalina was able to help me wade through some depressive energy I was experiencing. She picked up on insecurities I have with respect to my learning abilities and areas where I was resisting growth, and was able to pass along some messages from well ancestors who wanted to connect. She remembered from previous sessions that I struggled with my ability to create, and suggested a few modalities to keep activating my root and sacrum. After that session, I emerged feeling a lot more balanced between my heart, mind, and gut and ready to act on a major career decision I had been putting off for some time. It’s incredible to be able to have envisioned and acted on that change after so much time of agonizing over it. 

What I appreciate the most about Catalina is that she’s very direct and authentic in her sense of self. She provides a trauma-informed, culturally sensitive, and consensual experience, which can sometimes be hard to find with healing facilitators. She is very curious, and welcomes questions and feedback, and doesn’t take offense when something doesn’t resonate. I am really thankful to have been connected with Catalina in this way, and look forward to continuing seeking out her wisdom and support." - V.E.

Physical + Ancestral Healing

“I am very fond and deeply thankful for Catalina's services. I can attest to the wide range of knowledge she has in her work, as I started off with one session but kept coming back to do 5 more sessions. That's how much I trust her work ethic. This testimonial is for her chakra/past life reading, tarot reading, physical healing, ancestral healing, and aura cleansing. 

I started off doing one session as a birthday present to myself. This was the chakra/past life reading. I knew and had some feeling for the things she had mentioned, so her reading resonated accurately. What was great too was at the end she channeled messages from my earth star and it was a mantra I needed to move forward in life. She also cleared some past wounds of something I wasn't aware of holding. Very beautiful to know what she channeled.

After that I did a tarot card reading. I needed some career affirmation as I love my field but had a horrible experience. Her reading gave me the affirmation I needed to know that film is my passion. She also saw me using a cane. I am 29 and I have rheumatoid arthritis and have lived with chronic pain for a while. 

That was when I did the physical healing sessions with her. Catalina is truly gifted at what she does. Not only was this a skill that she learned to strengthen, but she is constantly finding ways to find more knowledge and wisdom in what she does. That shows she truly cares about mastering herself, and outdoing that everytime to learn more. The physical healing sessions I had with her were life changing. She helped me improve drastically. Especially during this pandemic covid-19 time where i couldn't go to my acupuncturist for pain management, I was feeling so hopeless. Catalina helped restore that hope for me. My left knee is getting better everyday. I went from feeling level 10 (level 1 low to 10 high) pain to about a 3. She did all of this without even physically touching me in real time, but through her amazing set of knowledge and strength even with the physical distance. I also felt it almost immediately and I am sure I will continue to get better. One night I was kept up by chest pain. RA causes inflammation in your body and the pain on my heart and rib cage area felt like a heart attack. A membrane around my heart may have gotten inflamed and was causing me this distressing pain. Catalina helped me with that and now I only feel a very slight discomfort. It doesn't keep me up at night anymore, definitely almost unnoticeable and it gets very by the week. So wonderful to have the privilege to get to say that. 

One of the things I appreciate the most with the physical healing sessions is that Catalina comes with the experience of not being able bodied. She has the sensitivity to constantly check in "hey i don't feel this but if this doesn't resonate with the pain you experience let me know." Its hard to have people work on you and heal you when they don't understand what its like to live in chronic pain or to have a big debilitating health condition. 

The ancestral cleaning came up as she did the physical healing. Catalina's keen intuition sensed I needed that  and she worked on that right away. I have heard before from other readers my RA may be from fear passed from my grandmother and Catalina saw that energy right away and cleared that up for me. After that session I felt such an immediate shedding and walked up straight with confidence. 

The last session I did was the aura cleaning. I also didn't know I needed this but Catalina suggested this and I'm so glad she is so keen with her intuition because after that I felt so much better. She saw right away I was a deeply empathic person and was carrying the energy of the collective. Cleared that up. I got to connect to my ancestors and that was so beautiful. Discomfort from my kidney, stomach pain, and overall body energy is drastically so much better. 

I am so fond of these memories of working on my spirituality with her, they are truly unforgettable and so touching. During one of the physical healing sessions she saw a premonition of me running again. Very different from when I did the tarot reading remember? And I have gotten back to running. This is also a good reminder that with tarot or this kind of thing, your life doesn't have to be defined if you don't like it. I'm glad I counted on help from others, in particular of Catalina, to change my outcome(In addition of course to my own work.) You won't regret booking her services. “ - L.M. / Physical Healing, Ancestral Healing, Past Life Healing, Energy Healing, Tarot Reading, Channeling