Whispers From Your Inner Child

These are channeled messages from your inner child. Pick between a lapis lazuli, a celestite, a rhodochrosite, and a citrine.

Lapis Lazuli: Don't let go of your imagination. I'm seeing someone who dreamt of the cosmos and recognized the vastness of our existence before other kids did. I'm seeing engineers here, architects, designers. You must have been pretty good at figuring solutions to problems from a young age, but it came from embracing the expansiveness of your intellect and your imagination. I think what hurts is no longer getting that validation and knowing that you have to find it within yourself. Or maybe the mundane, repetitive manner of life has made you feel dull and uninspired. Even if you experienced setbacks and didn't accomplish the extent of what you wanted, that's okay. Recognize that there are pivots to life. Even if you don't reach exactly where you expected yourself to be, that's okay. There are so many avenues you have yet to experience, so many passions yet undiscovered. You just have to wake up a bit, back to the imagination and inventiveness of your child-self.

Also, you can't expect to wake up to your true self if you're living your life based on others' expectations or other people's perceptions of you. Somethings got to go at this time. I'm seeing someone who needs to take a break from their circle because it feels a bit small at this time for you. Maybe you're worried or afraid of what others may think of you if you tap into this side of yourself. I keep seeing someone needing to shake off a lot of burdens in the form of self-doubt, and negative self-talk. I'm also seeing that for some, you are considering going back to school, making an adjustment to your career, or completely changing your career. It just seems like you want a breath of fresh air and some change in your life.

Celestite: There's a sense of feeling abandoned for you guys and just wanting to be held, to feel supported. At the present, you may react when triggered in passive-aggressive ways or just come off a bit hurtful towards others. You may feel like you need to fight to prove yourself or to argue with others to defend your worth but you don't have to. There is a huge calling here to lean into the feeling of support from those in your community who love you. Maybe as a child, you didn't feel valued or you felt unfairly compared. You grew up feeling like you had to have accomplishments to be recognized or you need status and wealth to feel loved, but you don't. Stop pushing the right people away. There's a lot of anger here and frustration and although I don't know who is reading this I want to say that you are loved and you are worthy of love and I love you. :) You may feel that vulnerability is cringe but it's not. Your inner child is essentially throwing a bit of a tantrum right now. I feel like there is a sense of wanting to feel in control of your surroundings, and of your life. To deeply connect to a sense of security where you don't have to do it alone, where you can feel embraced by those who genuinely want to support you. Maybe learn how to do this to yourself first, to treat yourself with compassion, and to have grace for when you do make mistakes (as we all do). Start to allow love into your life in the form of friendships with the similar frequency that you deserve.

Rhodochrosite: It's time to start cultivating a sense of inner strength and resiliency. I'm not sure if this is how you were as a child, or if I'm being shown how your inner child would react but I'm seeing someone who stands up for those who are taken advantage of. There is an awareness of injustice sensitivity here. I question if when you were a child, you were always held responsible for others and/or if you ever got to really have a carefree childhood. I'm seeing someone who is held responsible, who feels responsible for things that are out of your control. This includes other peoples' lives because ultimately there is only so much you can do to help. I can see that your inner child seeks freedom, and the opportunity to achieve the dreams that have laid dormant in your heart. This is the time when you may have to establish boundaries and learn how to say "no" to address and take care of your own needs. It seems like you feel like there is a lot left unattended in your life. You feel weighed down by other people's expectations and needs but this is the time to build a stronger heart. I'm not sure if you lost a bit of that strength and are regaining it again.

Citrine: You're being called towards the light. Your inner child wants freedom from dwelling on heavy thoughts. You feel like you've lost your way or things are very hopeless right now but this is a call for you to connect to the very things that give you hope. To bring more laughter and play into your life, to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is a call for you to know that things will change for the better but you have to give yourself patience and you need to start making small actions that push you in that direction. This can even come down to no longer laying in bed and going outside for a walk, creating a healthier sleep schedule where you wake up early and go to sleep at a reasonable time. I see that for a lot of you, you feel like you are destined to repeat the mistakes of your parents and/or a negative cyclical style of life but that's not true. I can see that for those who picked this crystal, there's a lot to unpack here for you and it will take time. The important thing to remember is that when you feel like you are no longer in control of your life, that life seems unfair or at a disadvantage to you, then it's time to start unpacking where these beliefs stem from to start making conscious efforts from a place of empowerment. You guys aren't cursed, and you aren't unlucky. Life will always throw us curve balls but sometimes it's just a matter of how we chose to deal with them.


Important Announcement


“I can love me better.”