Melissa: Part I
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Melissa: Part I

If there's a lesson the eclipses of this year are teaching me, it's the resonance and authority within my voice. It is an immutable right to articulate my truth, to expose the vulnerabilities and scars wrought by endured injustices.

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Meeting Your Darkness
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Meeting Your Darkness

Truly embodying your shadow is not dressing punk or goth, or appearing edgy. It’s this radical form of accepting this side of yourself that will show through any layer of clothing, or piercing, or tattoo.

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Define Success
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Define Success

I hope it nourishes your soul. I hope it is authentic to you and know that I’ve encountered people who are seen as ‘typically successful’ but who are truly not happy. Seek happiness above all else and the rest will always follow through.

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Flowing in Abundance: My Guide to Manifesting
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Flowing in Abundance: My Guide to Manifesting

Everyone has their individualized, unique ability to manifest or generate change in circumstances. Most people strive to create more abundance, while others may want freedom, love, a happier career, or whatever their hearts’ desire.

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June 2023
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

June 2023

A psychic prediction into your month of June, 2023.

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