Pathway into the Heart
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Pathway into the Heart

My goal for this group session is to help us connect to this powerful energetic center. While the third eye is the seat to intuition, the heart charka is the pathway towards the Divine, especially the Divine Feminine. I know I do a lot that focuses on the Shadow and exploring the soul’s depth but I wanted to help us see the beauty we each hold as well.

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Our Abyss + Our Liberation
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Our Abyss + Our Liberation

This essay is inspired and dedicated to people who are courageously walking through a spiritual desert and exploring an existential abyss of the soul. Where the sun forever fades, and Hope proves to be the only source of illumination.

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Thoughts on Judgment.
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Thoughts on Judgment.

The more you hang on to past traumas and use the accumulated judgment onto present connections, the more you are inadvertently creating conflict.

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September 2020: Seeking Alignment
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

September 2020: Seeking Alignment

It's crazy how 2020 is almost over! As we're quickly approaching September, I felt drawn to do a collective reading for two soul groups, A or B. Quick! Pick a letter! I started to see a fork in the trail and soul groups facing two different energies and circumstances.

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Journey Through the Underworld: Death as Sacred
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Journey Through the Underworld: Death as Sacred

I descended through the realm of the Underworld, a mysterious place where transformation and transmutation occurs, and the soul leaves feeling more whole and with a sense of empowerment. People, experiences, and life in general isn't so black and white. It is complex, there is a common ground and there are differences and that's what makes us so beautiful and truly rich. This phase brought about an understanding of endings and how sacred (figurative) death truly is. Exiting this underworld taught me more about energetically healing others' shadows and connecting to their Underworld.

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An Essay on Duality
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

An Essay on Duality

We are brought up with the notion of duality, of good versus bad, and this is the plague in most of our reasoning. It’s an internal monologue that only serves to cover up the whispers from our heart. What is good can actually cause harm and be painful and what is bad can be redemptive and has the capability for purity.

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The Armpit Chakras + Sushumna Nadi
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

The Armpit Chakras + Sushumna Nadi

An exploration of the armpit chakras and its correlation with Sushumna Nadi. This is another way to seek balance in your life and to explore a higher level of consciousness.

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Cultivating + Protecting Prana: A Guide
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Cultivating + Protecting Prana: A Guide

I’m sure you’ve felt it before. That feeling of pure exhaustion where you can barely step out of bed or you can drink multiple cups of coffee or tea but you still feel depleted. This guide isn’t just applicable to energy healers but is great for anyone. Whether you realize it or not, we are all susceptible and easily influenced by the energies within us and around us.

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Seek to Understand
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Seek to Understand

July 2020 holds themes to connecting to something higher than yourself. A strong whirlwind of soul awakenings, this month will usher you to transcend out of your physical body and will inspire to see the world in a different way.

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To Dream of Another…
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

To Dream of Another…

From my personal experience, when you dream of another person that is often their higher self approaching you with intentions to communicate.

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The Void
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

The Void

This is a place where you can submerge into TRUTH and drift to the ebb and flow of its light and dark streams. This is the sacred womb.

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Warrior Woman
Catalina Campos Catalina Campos

Warrior Woman

The path of the warrior shaman is one I march on. Over time, my path turned dreamy and I fell under its whimsical spell of the possibility that it can be an adventure. I believe that a balance between the warrior and the adventurer can exist, and through discovering this, I learned how to fully embrace my fearlessness.

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