Cultivating + Protecting Prana: A Guide

I’m sure you’ve felt it before. That feeling of pure exhaustion where you can barely step out of bed or you can drink multiple cups of coffee or tea but you still feel depleted. This guide isn’t just applicable to energy healers but is great for anyone. Whether you realize it or not, we are all susceptible and easily influenced by the energies within us and around us.

It’s been a year now that I started to study shakti and the importance of the sacral chakra. I’ve dived into understanding the tiny sub-chakras within and healing, not just the spiritual side, but the physical parts of the body that are associated with this.

Your sacral and/or navel area is where you have a creative energy. Some people call this Jing or Shakti. This is the source of the energy that circulates throughout your body and it is a challenge to cultivate Jing. (I’m going to refer to it from Jing onwards as I’m currently taking classes on it.)

The tips here are a cultivation of guidance from current and recent mentors and self-realizations. I’ll also be adding to this list as time goes on.

Avoid Low-Vibrational Feelings

While it is incredibly natural for this to happen, avoid feelings like jealous, resentment, bitterness anger, and so forth. This feelings are bound to happen but it’s important to listen to what they’re trying to tell you and see where you can make adjustments in your life. (Also be honest with yourself about them. I’ve met people who walk around envious of someone else but don’t want to admit it to themselves.)

This is how it happens. Let’s use the example of jealousy. When you constantly focus your thoughts on another person and on what they have and what you don’t have, you’re giving away your energy and your power to them. When you’re angry at them for embodying something you feel like you lack, you’re depleting your energy.

Think about where your thoughts are at all day. It’s so much freeing to have your thoughts focus on gratitude and on yourself.

What Makes You Happy?

When you feel depleted, sometimes the source is that you’re feeding into something that doesn’t make you happy. This is such an open-ended concept and can range from relationships, friendships, a job to the feeling of hopelessness.

While it’s unrealistic to avoid the feeling of hopelessness, use that time that feels difficult as a period to understand what you really desire. These moments bring clarity into your life.

With working a job that doesn’t make you happy or sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of others, you’re depleting yourself.


Who you have sex with matters greatly. If you decide to share your Jing energy with someone who doesn’t respect or honor it, they’re draining you.

Also, restraining from sex helps recharge this energetic center.

Your Worth!

What can drain you is a lack of balance in what you receive. This doesn’t apply just to those who offer services or sell hand-made items but in your connections.

You have to charge what you are worth to honor your energy and to prevent draining. This is especially true for energy healers. I usually feel depleted when I offer sales because I’m not honoring the amount of energy I am putting out into others.

But the same can be said for connections. I’ve seen this most in friendships where the connection is one-sided and you’re constantly putting someone else ahead of you or are giving too much without receiving much in return.


  • I highly recommend He Shou Wu! It’s something that I personally incorporate into my diet. You can find a great quality of it from Anima Mundi. Click here to purchase.

  • Try an expansion healing meditation. You can find a how-to on a previous article that I will link here soon.

  • Drink water! This was taught to me. When you drink water, you are actively cleansing yourself and pushing away old, stagnant energies.

  • Set energetic boundaries with people, including spirits. If you astral project a lot at night, you will wake up feeling drained. Set boundaries and intentions that you don’t want to lucid dream or astral project and any downloads will happen during the day.

  • Book an energy healing session. Sometimes you need the tune-up.

  • Rest and take it easy.

The cover picture is sourced from Pinterest.


Daily Medicine


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