An Essay on Duality

As children, the concept of duality doesn’t exist because that’s when the world was whole to us.

We are brought up with the notion of duality, of good versus bad, and this is the plague in most of our reasoning. It’s an internal monologue that only serves to cover up the whispers from our heart.

The theme really started to surface for me as life threw me off balance and flipped me upside down I was forced to question everything including about myself.

What is good can actually cause harm and be painful and what is bad can be redemptive and has the capability for purity.

Life is cyclical, it is always moving.

The problem with duality is that we allow ourselves to put everything within two separate boxes when we are so complex. This goes beyond the adage that what repels you from another is a quality that you have within yourself. While this is partly true, this repelling force is guiding us to towards understanding differences and finding a common ground through compassion.

We are all humans with a beating heart and we are all more than capable to make a heart to heart connection but are we willing to?

Life is not meant to be easy because this is a ll a growing pain but one that gently guides us to peace through wholeness.

When we question the circumstances and the people that we perceive as bad, we can seek the goodness as well and what it can bring us. It’s one step closer to wholeness.

Question the people or the ideas that your mind perceive as and, are you truly seeing the whole picture? What does your heart say? When your heart is closed to this, then there is necessary time needed to go within and seek forgiveness both from yourself and others. (and hey, actually reach out to someone and ask for forgiveness too!)

In my personal life, the people that have caused me the most pain were people who illuminated a “goodness” illusion. These people belonged in the spiritual community. Also question spiritual practitioners who only show a “goodness” to them. There was pain directed at me because my differences were “bad” towards them and vice versa!

There is light and shadow here but both can lead us to wholeness.

What are you most afraid of in others?

Early in my practice, I worked with cleaning a client from a possession. This was beyond my level of expertise but I didn’t want to say no and leave someone feeling helpless. It ended up trying to hunt me down and it ultimately tried to attack me in the astral realm. I was pulled out and saved by an extremely bright white light.

I am the curious person who always has to know more. Later on when I was inadvertently connected to it, I saw why it became the way that it did. It suffered a tragic life and ending. It never got to experience mercy or love.

I felt a strong compassion and love towards it. I felt mercy towards it. We are all deserving. Every person, spirit, creature, rock, plant, everything.

Who can you show mercy to? Mercy is the ability to give forgiveness to someone who has hurt us. Mercy is empowering as it is healing.

Question what triggers your fears and where it comes from.

The same can be said with pain in your life. Yes, it is bad and it makes life difficult but when you seek the goodness in it and find its reason, your life will feel more with purpose.

The world is more than just black and white.


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