Shadow Sacred Medicine

🌀 shadow sacred medicine 🌀 . This is shadow medicine / truth / guidance for the collective. Usually I just do general guidance but today I felt incredibly drawn and called to address the shadow in the collective. . Dark Night of the Soul + Snip Snip. // It seems like we’re all coming out of a collective fog or a moment that felt intense. We may have escaped or dealt with it head on. It doesn’t matter what you did to handle and heal it because it would have surfaced one way or another in your life. . While this difficult time is here, your medicine is to see how you’re feeding into it. Don’t nurture the negative and toxic emotions, thoughts or patterns, instead simply cut it out. If you want to change your energy from an intense one to a playful one, simply shift your perception, your energy. . Transmuting the shadow is necessary but there is a calling to hold space for more in your life in order to create balance. (The expand time.) . Take time to sit in gratitude, to love yourself and others. . ✨ When shadow healing has overwhelmed your life, it will seep into the places where you don’t want to see it or the time isn’t ready for it. ✨ . Take it one day at a time and give yourself a break. Balance is key 🔑. . 🔮: deck by @bakaraw / @everyday__magic postcards from the Liminal space


An Essay on Duality


Suspended: Notes on Reclaiming the Self.