Warrior Woman

The path of the warrior shaman is one I march on. Over time, my path turned dreamy and I fell under its whimsical spell of the possibility that it can be an adventure. I believe that a balance between the warrior and the adventurer can exist, and through discovering this, I learned how to fully embrace my fearlessness.

As I child, legendary leaders and visionaries who bravely fought and led heavily inspired me. Women like Queen Elizabeth I who through close uncertain encounters with the possibility of death and living within a twisted family game of chess, defeated the Spanish Armada and proved that women are more than capable to rule. When I celebrated my 24th birthday in London, I made it a necessity to visit her final resting place in Westminster Abbey. 

I admired visionaries like Chanel who built an empire based on a daring authenticity that defied societal norms. What was true to her rippled a necessary change in gender roles and the complexity of what is feminine.

Authenticity and courage are two traits I wear boldly.

My appreciation for these figures is of consequence to my inner world. I turned to them because I grew up forced into circumstances where I took on bravery. There was no one else in my personal life that could understand the nightmares I fought through.

While my obstacles in the physical world were bearable, my challenges stemmed from the spiritual. From a very early age up until my mid-twenties, I overcame living nightmares. I believe it comes with the territory of being a Medium but it's one where I couldn't relate to anyone else.

Over time, I knew either I could live in a state of perpetual fear and succumb to paranoia or I could shift my perception into a more positive one. The nightmares I lived through does not define me, rather it made me the strong-willed fighter that I am today.

(If there's one thing that I still need to learn is how to embrace peace but that's another story for some other time.)

What happened to me, happened for a reason to have the strength to empower others. While I had moments where I doubted God, living through waking nightmares made my faith unbreakable.

Fearlessness is knowing that you are always safe and protected, and living in a state of knowing that nothing can harm you. Fearlessness is unashamedly embodying love and the ability and understanding to forgive.

The ability to be brave and to be authentic, like those that I admire, is nestled within us when we learn to let go of not only fear but expectations and hesitations. 

I've listed some tips on how I've conquered my fears:

1) Leave the past in the past. If you constantly think about psychic attacks, you're in a way inviting that energy in. It's okay to slip and think about it, but don't make a habit of it.

2) If you're ever afraid, work with the color yellow. Yellow is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra which controls your empowerment. I also associate the color yellow with a strong and healthy mental body.

3) Pray. When I was afraid before going to sleep, I would pray to Durga Ma and ask for Her protection. I started chanting her mantra out loud. Pray to who you believe will keep you safe and protected.

4) If you are a healer or a channeler, set the intention with Spirit that you don't want to attract a lot of clients with that type of a situation. If you don't want to play the role of 'Constantine,' you don't have to.

5) Music helps me. I like to listen to music that empowers me or that makes me happy. This comes down to personal preferences. Believe it or not, Kanye West makes me feel strong but when it comes to happier music, I like indie pop, modern psych, or Americana folk. I also love cathedral choir music or Carnatic music. Music can shift energy.

6) Bubble yourself up in either gold or black light. Trust your intuition when it comes to which color. Black hides me while gold is just a charged, high vibrational color that keeps toxic air out.

7) Don't let anyone make you feel embarrassed and trust what you feel. I've encountered many situations where no one believed me or other gifted people couldn't see it or validate it. It wasn't until I trusted myself and cleansed it on my own that I would receive a confirmation or validation.

8) Work with yellow or black crystals. This was recommended by my teacher. My personal favorites are golden sheen obsidian, black obsidian, citrine, and golden azeztulite.

9) Shifting your vibration into one of fun and love and making the intention of having your path be one of adventure made a world of a difference in my life.

10) Connect to people who inspire you. 

11) Feel powerful. When you feel powerful, you are powerful. You are impenetrable.


The Void


"One pair of horses runs away. Without fault." : Handling Negativy & Jealousy