The Path Towards Truth

When the soul reaches a state of darkness, it can recognize the feelings of judgements within itself. Whether others instilled it within them or the soul sees the judgements it has towards others, it is an opportune time to seek a grander understanding of truth.

When I experienced this, I could feel the judgements others placed upon me and due to my empathetic state, I unfortunately merged with it. In the process, I felt like I lost myself a little bit as I was pulled away from who I knew myself to be towards what other people wanted me to be.

These misconceptions from broken connections were projected unto me, a quality usually associated with the Shadow of the soul. I felt vilified and mislabeled and ultimately I was emotionally hurt.

I felt the blame that others bore onto me due to their own inability to confront their shadow and because of my ability to merge with others’ pain, I started to really suffer and questioned everything I knew about myself.

There was a period where I truly believed what others wanted me to see about myself.

Through guidance from mentors, I was able to distinguish what is mine and what isn’t. I understood that the negative energy or unfair judgements, essentially what doesn’t belong to me, had to be released.

In all honesty no matter how rational you may thing your fears are, they tend to be caused by judgements,. In a non-judgmental world, the notion of bad and good doesn’t exist. Your perceptions about people are not real and your fears, distrust and anger towards others are due to your own judgements. These projections are sourced from your shadow and are guiding towards discovering the light and most importantly, the ultimate truth.


Next time you’re in meditation, set intentions with Spirit to be able to recognize when someone is projecting onto you. You can ask to see a sign or to feel a specific sensation in your spiritual or physical body. The more you practice this, the more you will feel when someone does so. When they do, you can remove it from your aura. It’s not yours. Send them back pink light as this is healing for the both of you and for the highest good of all!


What triggers you the most in another? What gives you the biggest fears or what makes you fearful or judgmental towards another? This is a perfect time to be honest with yourself. Take to your journal and write your thoughts down. Later on, read them and it will help you gain clarity.


Thoughts on Judgment.


September 2020: Seeking Alignment