Daily Medicine

Make sure to follow me on Instagram to stay up to date with daily channeled messages + medicine + the like.

Honey speaks to us today. Incorporate honey into your tea. Honey is a frequency of bounty, abundance, but it’s earth-based. It’s golden so it touches the stellar gateway but keeps us centered in the solar plexus.

Earth energy is our driving force for today. With the ten of wands, make sure gravity doesn’t pressure us down and makes us sink. Don’t fall into quicksand, you’re smarter than that. When you’re light and centered, you can easily jump over that treacherous spot.

Your medicine is to let go of unnecessary burdens, limitations or pressures that you may be placing upon yourself. Seek out help if need be it, change your routine, practice a new perception.

Luckily the ten of wands is the last of that!

The abundance you seek is within your grasp so be receptive today. Feel grounded and present in your day in order to balance earth energy with a more astral energy I keep picking up. The divine feminine in her earthly sense is here. Connect to her. Mother Earth, Ix Mukane, Gaia, Pachamama, and so forth.

Cover Image from Pinterest.


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