September 2020: Seeking Alignment

t's crazy how 2020 is almost over! As we're quickly approaching September, I felt drawn to do a collective reading for two soul groups, A or B. Quick! Pick a letter!

I started to see a fork in the trail and soul groups facing two different energies and circumstances.

GROUP A: Your energy for the month is of independence and reclaiming a source of strength and integrity within yourself. I can see you forging a new path for yourself or embracing new. When you enter this, make sure that you are ready to accept change in your life and be mindful of clinging on to what you feel like you need. I see a lot of deep greens and indigos. You are bridging the gap between your lower heart chakra and your third eye and are discovering how you can trust your spirit from a more heart-centered space. This involves letting go of misconceptions. You have the Ace of Swords, and regardless of gender, you are the Queen of Wands. Clarity will come through, specifically, a breakthrough as you are encouraged to trust your creative potential, your fiery side. You will see that this month will bring you fated events if you continue to push forward.

GROUP B: Through seeking harmony and operating from a centered place, you will discover what you want the most in life. September is a month of Tao, of flowing and allowing the Divine to flow through you. You will have the opportunity to connect to the Divine Feminine here and deepen that bond. I see a lot of wheat, a lot of golden light, and yellow energy. This means an activation and soul growth through the Stellar Gateway and the Solar Plexus with wheat being an indicator of abundance and reaping harvest. These souls will have a month where they will impact others by channeling the Divine and allowing it to shine through the Solar Plexus. There could be significant reconciliation or special connection that will move forward and have a permanent existence in your life. Through healing, your soul will be put back together. The moon and the five of wands carries an energy of shadow healing and standing up for what you believe in or standing your ground. Be careful and don't stress out or think the worst of a situation.


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