Suspended: Notes on Reclaiming the Self.

Just like the ebb and flow of the ocean, so too does our lives unfold into a mesmerizing vastness. It can take us towards the top of the water as we simply float, without a thought and can only feel the sun filling our body with warmth. Or it can drag us to the depth of the sea floor where the darkness gives us no other choice but to seek the only source of light within ourselves. We are never meant to underestimate the faintest of lights as it can give enough strength to illuminate all that is around us.

It is the discovery of the self; the ultimate reminder that we are beyond our bones and our muscles. We are more than our ego and our logic and our consciousness belongs to the ocean itself.

Or to the moon, or the blue sky, or the stars.

We belong to the expansiveness of the world itself.

We are multi-dimensional beings that reflect different lights at different angles. As the years go by, we continue to adapt to the multiple continuous births of the self.

At times it can be unsettling to be separated from the self, a body in which we naturally are so familiar with. It’s the same body that we felt our fingers stretch outward when we took our first breath in this world, where we fell and scraped our knee. The body that we felt heartbreak and an emotional loss, where we felt the intimacy of others.

And yet, we are faced to turn around and see who you were as you float in who you now know yourself to be.

In these moments, we become so aware how frustrating it is to feel like we have to face into the roles that others expect us to play or to worry about where we would fall into the spectrum of light and darkness.

We endure hurting one another because we lose sight in ourselves as we try to merge with the projections others place on us or we falsely try to categorize others on a man-made spectrum.

Or the pain we cause on ourselves because we obstruct our own happiness by telling ourselves what we are expected to do. Instead of being, we deny ourselves the freedom to experience vulnerability by expressing the core of our hearts. We may tell ourselves that we are not deserving of what we truly desire.

And through this pain we continue to fall within this spectrum.

Part of the ebb and flow is returning to the self with your illuminated new self by fully accepting in all totality who you are. That beside the light and darkness, we are all inherently good inside.

And to simply just be.


Shadow Sacred Medicine


Weekly Guidance 07/13