To Dream of Another…

I see so many interpretations of what it means to dream of another person, ranging from parts of your subconscious attempting to communicate with you and memories that have yet to be released.

These ideas take on more of a psychological approach but I want to give my spiritual insight as a Psychic Medium and touch on possible explanations that personally happened to me.

While I’m not negating the possibility of your subconscious signaling you something, I am more aligned with my own experiences, what they’ve mean and how they manifested in the waking life.

From my personal experience, when you dream of another person that is often their higher self approaching you with intentions to communicate. More often than not, our egos hold us back a lot, whether out of pride or fear. They refrain us from expressing ourselves truly, from emotional vulnerability, honesty among other things. I can’t even count how many times I’ve seen my own friends throw their own happiness away, an often simple path, because they unnecessarily inhibited themselves.

When the higher selves of others find you, they usually find you at a place that is comfortable to your own soul. I don’t want to disclose what my place is as its incredibly personal but it’s something that many can relate to. I try to keep this area energetically cleared and cleansed with an uplifting energy.

In the instances where others sought me out, I was either lucid dreaming or astral projecting depending on the severity of the message. When I’m lucid dreaming, the comfortable space is where they meet me at but when I’m astral projecting, I' am usually woken up in whatever room I am physically sleeping in.

When they approach you, listen to what they have to say to you and take note of their energy. Read their energy and connect to them intuitively.

There was an instance where I had a very tense relationship with a friend where a lot of feelings were left unsaid. (Let’s call him Adam.) Adam and I had a close spiritual relationship where his spirit guides and ancestors would usually approach me in the astral realm if he needed help but it was so fascinating to see his higher self approach me. This started to become a recurring phenomenon and he would wake me up in the middle of the night, would express his feelings, try to kiss me and would leave. I would wake up in my room but could feel his energy still lingering in the air.

I had another similar experience with another friend named Jimmy. (Obviously another fake name.) There weren’t romantic feelings involved in this relationship but a lot of things left unsaid and the connection was plagued with dishonesty and deception. I only connected to him in lucid dreams, not in the astral realm but I’ll never forget a specific dream I had. I dreamt that I was being hunted by him and felt entirely victimized. It was a traumatizing dream and I could see him attempting to hurt me. Later on that day, we met at a bar where he told me he dreamt about hunting someone down because he felt this person was a danger to him. He couldn’t see who it was, afterwards which I told him about my dream. Yet we never openly discussed this because he is not that type of person to do so. (Just a disclaimer, I do not put people in danger!)

If you dream of someone you are not in contact with, from my understanding it means the person is thinking about you or wants to start conversing with you again. For the past few weeks, I’ve had people I’m no longer in contact finding me in my safe spot, waking me up and at times, I could see visions of them during the day, in my waking life.

From experience, the more severe it is, the more significant the connection is at this specific time in your path.

When they approach you, don’t be alarmed and let go of fear. It’s so meaningful that this spiritual connection is taking place and reinforces the depth of your relationship. It’s imperative to have a heart to heart with them in this realm, whether lucid dream or astral but at the end of the day, create boundaries. When you sleep, it is your crucial time to recharge.


Seek to Understand


The Void