The Void

Righteousness, or the desire for light to the exclusion of all else, leads to rejection of our own darkness, and of lessons we might learn from matter and the subconscious.
— Padma A. Prakasha

The void does not get enough love. It’s one of my favorite place to float in, a celestial, dark bliss. Its the vortex that I creatively obsess over in my poetry and prose.

Our society tends to automatically label darkness as evil because there is a discomfort in truth and self-realization. The void is nothing evil at all but think of it like a sensory deprivation tank.

The void is a sacred womb.

This is a place where a chaotic potential exists, where out of nothingness, seeds bloom wildly into thought, ideas, and inventions. It is only scary if you fall into the downward spiral of fear.

This is a place where you can submerge into TRUTH and drift to the ebb and flow of its light and dark streams.

In this isolation, you can deeply discover your authentic self. Your soul illuminates a multi-faceted heart shining a prism of colors, like a brilliant gem formed out of pressure.

The void is the womb where it simply creates.

Lately, the void + community have been flying out constantly. Here we are in this process of creation out of a sacred destructive energy. There is so much power out of the pressure in this vast space and the force that is created.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been connecting to the void, learning from the void, evolving from it. I’ve been connecting to clients who are energetically in this space and expanding from it, especially through healing sessions.

I’ve also been connecting to this prism heart space that shines an ecstatic rainbow throughout the aura.

I am in no means trying to divert away from the gravity of what is happening in our physical world but I just wanted to share what trend I’ve been seeing in the spiritual sense. I’ll be updating my site with a page on organizations where you can donate.


To Dream of Another…


Warrior Woman