Pathway into the Heart

Hi All!

This is the link for the Zoom group guided healing meditation.


My goal for this group session is to help us connect to this powerful energetic center. While the third eye is the seat to intuition, the heart charka is the pathway towards the Divine, especially the Divine Feminine. I know I do a lot that focuses on the Shadow and exploring the soul’s depth but I wanted to help us see the beauty we each hold as well.

A lot of my spiritual growth came via the heart space and it feels like such an enchanting energy to tap into.

I plan on helping us clear this space, expand on its space so that we can allow our new set intentions to enter in.

Most importantly, I want us to connect to a deeper sense of self-love and to the Divine Feminine. Take the time to think about a Goddess you would love to work with and bring her tools with you. This could be in the form of a candle, essential oil, an item. Please do bring a heart-centered crystal too!

Towards the end of the session, I will channel questions that any of you may have.

I am looking forward to seeing you!


March for the Collective


Our Abyss + Our Liberation