Seek to Understand

These are the channeled guidance + messages for July 2020

The theme for July is to seek this ability to understand and transcend through the physical limitations of the body. What I encountered in June was a lot of connecting the physical + spiritual bodies. Themes of healing these two bodies and integrating it into a unity was significant.

For example, a physical ailment often times has an underlying spiritual reason. By tackling the spiritual reason, there was an alleviation of the pain experienced in the body.

So now in July we will see a lot of aligning ourself to a higher consciousness. The plant guiding us through the month is the passionflower. Growing in popularity, this flower radiates with a higher vibration and helps us attune to Spirit’s frequency.

The message from the passionflower is: exposure. Meaning connecting to a sense of freedom and expression through vulnerability. Other meanings the flower holds is that of the Christ consciousness and “understanding the deepest meaning of our suffering.”

We are being ushered to experience the connection to something higher than us in order to push our energy outside of the physical body and to appreciate a depth in our world. Fly to the Cosmos, embody the Divine Earth. Where will your astral body take you?

This is a month of learning new spiritual lessons and inviting new tools into your practice.

Check out Anima Mundi’s post on passionflower. They touch a lot on how a lot of healers and psychic mediums use the flower to help them connect and hone in on their gifts.

July will encourage us to step outside of fear or lack mentality and really step forward in confidence. It’s okay to not know what will happen, understandably so during these troubling and scary times.

Allow for change to enter your life. This can even include changing a negative thought pattern in your life.

There’s an importance in really grounding and feeling stability in the self. When you work with higher frequencies, this balance is crucial for your physical, mental and emotional health.

There are themes of the root and the throat and sacral chakras.

The root really corresponds with grounding but there is a sense of passionately cutting out connections and thought patters in your life that don’t really serve you. That disempower you. The sword is a symbol for clarity and truth. Embrace truth in your life. What connections are you seeing with a blind eye?

Gain your power back this month. I’ll be posting a separate article on energy depletion, how to prevent this and more tips.

Save as much as you can in July. The month feels like a good month to reap a harvest. I connected a lot to the concept of rainy day funds.

Now with the sacral and throat chakras, this goes hand in hand with self empowerment. Imagine taking back your voice and speaking honestly in order to stand up for yourself! When I see these two energetic points active, it’s my symbol for creativity and expression.

The sacral is so important and a really underplayed point. This isn’t just your ability to enjoy life but there is such a grand significance here. Think of creation, both in manifestation but in Jing or Shakti energy, energy that creates Prana or Qi in your body. I have a new listing that deals specifically with healing the sacral and the tiny sub-chakras within. This is the source of your energy.

Continue to weed out what doesn’t serve you. This is a clean-up month and meant to push you towards a bit of independence and a focus on the spiritual wellbeing of the self.

August will pick up and I see a lot of breaking and separating here but I’ll get to that later in the month.


Cultivating + Protecting Prana: A Guide


To Dream of Another…