March for the Collective

Themes of peace, stillness, and a reflection of oneself with the group one identifies with will be themes for March.

The collective will shift towards themes revolving around the throat and lower heart chakra, with a predominance for tones of lighter, sparkling blues.

I can see the ocean being very significant for the collective, whether this be with personal storms (maybe actual ones), emotional depths, or a huge purifying. You may be traveling towards an ocean, or a body of water, or even dream about the ocean. Whatever the case is, She beckons you so take notice.

The throat chakra is an energetic center that can be associated with water, as well as the sacral, but in a different way. I can see that the collective can be making preparatory decisions for a significant new chapter or project. This feels very purpose-oriented. It’s okay to be still.

This is a month to tap into stillness and seek a peace that you may be searching for, when it comes to something that has been disruptive.

It’s a month to tie up any loose ends and to most importantly be kind to yourself. In a world that really admires the hustle and bustle, do not feel guilty for allowing yourself to slow down.

In the Mayan belief system, the throat is the center for manifestation and creation. What you speak out, comes into existence so please keep that in mind. I have a word to chant for this specific LOL (or center) which will help you connect even further.

What I’m seeing is a soul lying down on shallow waters, with an open and exposed throat and heart. This is your opportunity to do some deep diving here. See beyond the surface of the waters.

Also, I can see an importance on people in your life. Maybe coming to conclusion as to who you want in your life or who needs to go, even in the mental head space. I see people walking from one circle to the next, a readjustment of soul groups where karmic cycles will begin! (Karmic in a good way. How are we expected to grow if we don’t have challenges to overcome?)

The month ends with almost a ripple effect of intention. You’ll see signs happening. It’s small growth from waters. Harmony is what the collective seeks.


Overcoming Betrayal: Part 1


Pathway into the Heart