Journey Through the Underworld: Death as Sacred

The past three months were a period where my understanding of the shadow deepened. I descended through the realm of the Underworld, a mysterious place where transformation and transmutation occurs, and the soul leaves feeling more whole and with a sense of empowerment.

I knew my soul was leading me there as I started to encounter a bizarre amount of mushrooms along my path.

If you've ever been a student in my "Ignite the Wisdom" mentorship program, you'd be aware of the importance of speaking with Mother Earth. She will show you the way through animals and plants she sends towards you.

Mushrooms are the entry to the Underworld. They represent death as sacred, transformation, and magic.

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom emotionally, mentally and spiritually? Where you are ready to give it all up in an instant? There was a period where I was ready to give up my entire spiritual practice because I would rather fall into the trap of illusions rather than listening to my own heart.

I meditated on the source of this and I don't want to give out names nor is it my intention to blame the individual. I'm thankful it happened because it served as an intense and rewarding period of soul growth, a step into wholeness.

This coincides with my essay on duality that you can find on a previous blog post. I recommend reading it before you jump into this blog post.

Although I'm aware we triggered each other, that former mentor made me question the idea of "good versus bad." She made me feel completely bad, even evil because of what my soul can provide to others.

I was guided into understanding that she had some deep-rooted issues of resentment within her heart that I drew out. She blamed me for it and left me feeling a sense of judgement towards myself.

Mind you, this is all okay and acceptable because we all have deep-rooted negative patterns that we're meant to work through. How else could our souls have depth without layers of understanding that wouldn't be possible without adversity?

I also started to come across a lot of videos on my lunar naksahtra, Purva Bhadrapada. A difficult lunar mansion that consisely represents the notion of good versus evil where the soul experiences "{the dark night of the soul" to experience freedom. It's a test of integrity where natives can understand their darkness and pain to truly heal and help the collective consciousness.

It's a nakshatra of intense transformation where the natives inspires and energetically influences all those around them to experience the same.

Purva Bhadrapada holds symbols such as the lightning bolt and their souls are single ray of light in a room of darkness.

I had a hard time grappling this as I didn't want to hold such dark energy. I truly had a fear of being a "bad person," due to the judgement the mentor left within me. It made me question my devotion and the relationships in my life.

In a session with a talented channeler, I was guided into further understanding my soul and its purpose. One that helps others unpack their shadow and transmute it.

People, experiences, and life in general isn't so black and white. It is complex, there is a common ground and there are differences and that's what makes us so beautiful and truly rich.

I started to understand how I gave my power away to someone who didn't truly appreciate me. And I started to see how I took her for granted and didn't appreciate her enough either.

Walking the middle path became one of the many themes that arised out of this.

"To walk the middle path, you must neither abandon your principles or others. There are times however, when you must respond with gentleness and only your inner vision even while the way is dark or harmony is threatened. Tolerate other’s weaknesses with grace but follow your own drummer. There can be a gentle action of kindness needed to ward off disunion. Make the most of all opportunities in serving the larger goal. Be at peace with whatever unfolds. In this way you fjord the great river so as not to neglect what is distant or what is close by." -CAFEAUSOUL

The beauty of reflecting on all my pain and suffering in my life is that I also acknowledged how much I tend to focus on that instead of the blissful memories.

When you live in fear of what you can expect based on traumatic past experiences, you rob yourself of the possibility to live in bliss.

Towards the end of the phase, I started to dream about being gifted a flying fox bat and hanging it on my coat hanger so it can fall asleep. Eventually, the bat turned albino and I felt at peace. The amazing thing is that the channeler connected to the same vision and connected to both a bat and moth.

Both animals that represent the shadow and ultimately find the light. Seeking a higher consciousness is always within you and is always welcoming and accepting without judgment, as we should all be.

This phase brought about an understanding of endings and how sacred (figurative) death truly is.

Exiting this underworld taught me more about energetically healing others' shadows and connecting to their Underworld.



Cassiterite // "“Stone of Initiation”

CASSITERITE is the stone of initiation, which vibrates at the frequency of the threshold (the liminal space between worlds). Meditating with this stone will ensure one becomes familiar with crossing many thresholds and moving through numerous interdimensional gates.

Cassiterite is ideal for shamans, mediums, channelers and those working with other worlds.

CASSITERITE has a vibration that will either create a doorway for new manifestations and destruction of the old. It allows one to draw energy into the form one desires. It can aid in breaking down old dorms and releasing energy from outmoded structures.

Cassiterite facilitates the soul in ascending from the body into the Light.

CASSITERITE helps to release cellular memories and for this to encourage deep healing at the soul level. It will aid in healing old childhood issues and release energetic stuff that is holding one back from their life’s journey."

Click here to read more.

NUUMMITE // "“The Magician’s Stone”

NUUMMITE is a great stone for grounding energy and centering the ethereal body

NUUMMITE is the stone of the Black Ray, which depends our connection to the physical plane, material realm. It is a strong protection and grounding stone that draws from the fiery energies of the Earth and combines them with the transformational energies of storm.

NUUMMITE aids in helping us achieve self-mastery

The vibrations of NUUMMITE enhances our intuition, increases luck and magic, assists in developing personal power, along with the psychic ability of clairvoyance.

NUUMMITE protects the human aura as well as the atmosphere of any environment

NUUMMITE has the ability to take one on a journey, deep into their inner psyche, to the core of who they are to get a better dose of their true self. It helps release blocks or trapped things that are stuck within the subconscious, which will leave us with a stronger ability of healing, masculine energy and self-mastery.

NUUMMITE gives us courage to go deep within and face the shadow self

NUUMMITE aligns the subtle bodies, strengthens the aura and places a shield around the person to protect from negative energies, pollutants and manipulations.

Shamans used Nuummite to travel into the lower planes to locate and retrieve lost souls to integrate them back into their true-self for healing"

Click here to read more.


September 2020: Seeking Alignment


An Essay on Duality