The Armpit Chakras + Sushumna Nadi

The beauty of working as a healing practitioner, a field that is less documented and more ambiguous than the rest, is that knowledge comes to you in the form of your clients. These amazing souls are brought into your life to help you learn and expand on your healing abilities. It reinforces the fact that every one is on a different journey and this is even more applicable for spiritual practitioners.

A client expressed her discomfort on her shoulder area but I couldn’t help but feel that this is beyond physical and ventures into the spiritual body as I discovered openings in her armpits. Lo and behold, there is such a thing as armpit chakras. Not a surprise as the body has more than the 7 well-know and significant chakras.

The armpit chakras “are where our responsibilities unfold. Especially from previous lifetimes. Healing at the armpit chakra is specifically connecting us to healing our ‘debt of gratitude.’” (SOURCE)

Working within this area, I felt deeply connected to the energy of water or ‘liquid light’ traveling down the spine into the sacral. I felt drawn to open this pathway, this space and to purify and connect the client to this energy channel.

These chakras are connected to Sushumna, or one of the three significant Nadis. Nadis are pathways or channels of prone in the body. While the other Ida and Pingala are more associated to the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, such as Lord Shiva and Shakti, Sushumna is “attribute-less.”

It’s an empty space where you can create anything you desire.

“Once the energies enter the Sushumna, you attain a new kind of balance, an inner balance where whatever happens outside, there is a certain space within you that never gets disturbed, which is never in any kind of turmoil, which cannot be touched by outside situations. Only if you create this stable situation within yourself, you will dare to scale the peaks of consciousness.”

Lately, creating firm boundaries, allowing my energy to be undisturbed, and filtering out what is mine and does not belong to me have been one of the major themes in my spiritual growth + life. Balance has been a journey in itself, significant enough that a joyful spirit woke me up one night to express, “be balanced…” in a sweet voice.

I can’t wait to start exploring these new energy pathways and to share my experiences with it.


SADHGURU’S “The Three Fundamental Nadis”

Image from Pinterest


Weekly Guidance 07/13


Daily Medicine