Thoughts on Judgment.

πŸ’« Honor those around you. Be grateful to see them everyday, to receive a text message, to hear their voice on the other end of the line.
When it comes to relationships, whether we may perceive them as good or bad, they were brought into our path for a reason. To illuminate one another, to get us one step closer to love. It takes two separate people to truly show us a sense of oneness.
This idea of good and bad is another form of separation. An illusion. We are all equally flawed, yet so beautiful at a deep soul level and we all deserved to love one another for it.
This year I feel like I grieved for the loss of relationships in my life. The more you hang on to past traumas and use the accumulated judgment onto present connections, the more you are inadvertently creating conflict.
It’s simply not worth ending up alone for it or not giving a connection a chance just for the sake of avoiding a fear that simply does not exist.


Our Abyss + Our Liberation


The Path Towards Truth