July 2023 Forecast

July will test you on how you can trust more of your intuition and heart's desire than that of those around you. You'll be at odds with a prominent figure in your life and it feels a bit like a tug of war game of play. At the end of the day, the question of who "wins" and who gains the "most" is what is driving this connection on your end. You're being guided to move beyond this energy and to rely more on your heart. If you feel very confused as to what you want, how to get it or what's to come (questions like those), it's because you're heavily relying on external validation or sources instead of trusting your own insight. Inward Revolution speaks of a labyrinth that leads to the heart. The more you start to trust your heart's desire, and yours alone, the easier it is to not be so easily influenced by those around you, especially this more prominent figure. A struggle to achieve goals is highlighted here for you this month, but pay attention to the bigger picture by meditating. Your guidance here is "Mermaid", a card that wishes for you to connect to your super natural abilities, your intuitive gifts and, with that, your ability to connect to your will. I recommend cutting out outside influences and limiting your time with social media and the internet. Get out in nature more!

You're going to feel more independent and eager to try new things in July. It seems like you shed a lot of old, disconnected yourself from the past, and that which weighed you down. I can see you're embracing a new perspective too and that's really guiding you through this upcoming month. You're energy is going to be that of the King of Swords. So you'll be in a more masculine energy, assertive but logical and communicative. You'll be involved in work that requires you to use that type of energy too. But it seems like you acknowledge that the world is your oyster and with the prominent energy of the Fool here, you will be embarking on something new. You'll be in tune with the energies of creation and with expansion in your forecast, you'll see development and growth in what you put your energies into. I can see July really going by fast for you! Your guidance is that of Unconditional Love which speaks of accepting our past mistakes with love and allowing ourselves to be comfortable with who we are. It really does appear like a dark cloud that's been looming over your head will be gone in July. I really do see you gaining knowledge and expertise this month, it could come through the form of work or through school.

I can see you being a pillar of support and a beacon of light for those in your life. Don't be surprised if people approach you asking you for help, your opinion, or your insight into problems. July will be very pleasant for you. You have the energy of ten of pentacles which is financial security, you have a card of celebration and your energy is that of the queen of pentacles, so feminine, grounded and nurturing. You'll be inviting something new into your life that is surrounded by love or deals with matters of the heart. But overall, July will be an expansive, abundant and beautiful month for you. Shifting Fear as guidance speaks of opening your eyes to see beyond the fear in order to gain a better understanding. How is fear holding you back or how is it spiraling in your mind? I also connect to plants and tradition, so working with the Earth, and with something that is of tradition is significant here.


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