Past Life Chat with Kiran from Lunar Kind

Tapping Into the Past to See the Future

Yesterday, I went on Instagram Live with Kiran Kaur from LunarKind to discuss how our past lives can heavily influence discovering our purpose in this lifetime. It's often said that to see where you are heading, the past must guide you. While this is true, we can't just disregard our past lives as they hold treasures of accomplished wisdom and knowledge that we carry into this lifetime.

To learn and understand how we can access information about our past lives from our Vedic astrological birth chart, I highly suggest you view Instagram Live. You can find this on LunarKind's Instagram account.

In the live, I gave tips on tapping into these lifetimes using a more mystical approach.

There's two methods.

The first one involves you journeying on your own. For this, you will need a candle, palo santo or sage, a blind fold and a crystal. I prefer apophyllite, but there are other crystals in the market that can help facilitate your sight.

Make sure your candle is in a safe area where there is no risk of anything catching fire nearby. As you strike a match and light the candle, set an intention. This can be anything that you desire. Make sure you state that you want to only connect to altruistic guides from a source of white light, but above all else, declare that you want to access your most significant past life.

Listen to frequency meditation music that you can find on YouTube and cover your eyes with a blindfold.

Visualize yourself entering a safe space, a room filled with whatever makes you feel secure. After that, step into your past life.

Trusting what you see is incredibly important. Allow the visions to come to you, and don't force anything. You should feel like you're half awake and half asleep. It's a state of trance!

The other way method is just pure awareness. Knowing what mahadasha and antardasha you are experiencing is also helpful in understanding what karmic themes are at play. When you know what's going on, you'll become aware of the specific themes at play with people entering your life, challenges you're overcoming, and the like. It will be hard to miss!

Overall, I recommend you dedicate a journal to write down your observations and intuitive hits.
You can watch the entire chat by clicking on the link below!


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June 2023