New Offering: Youth & Rebellion

healing messages for the inner adolescent.

We focus so much on the inner-child, but love should be given to our inner-adolescent as well. Our adolescence are marked by years of confusion as we start to take form into the person we are becoming. It can be awkward, challenging, isolating, euphoric, freeing, and the like.

This is meant to be a combo of channeled & tarot (more on the channeled) to help you gain clarity on these formative years. This could be great for you to gain insight on your healing journey or to gain closure.

For serious inquires and to book, please e-mail me. Remember I take donations now! | This offering is listed under the channeling section of my website. To read more about me or see my testimonials, click on the “about me” and the “testimonial” section.


The Rest of 2023


Past Life Chat with Kiran from Lunar Kind