Important Announcement

I’m removing my prices and giving my offerings based on a donation system. Essentially, if you are interested in a healing or channeling offering, you pay what you want. It will take me some time to update my website as I do everything on my own. I would greatly appreciate if you read the below, as I explain why. I will update my site but please be aware that I have the right to refuse my offerings. My mentorship program is unavailable for the time being.

It's important to acknowledge that change is inevitable. There is no blueprint for being a mystic in the modern world. My only source of inspiration was the influential spiritual figures of the past who devoted themselves to selfless humanitarian efforts to uplift humanity through love to a higher calling. At one point, I observed the mentors on my journey and how they operated their businesses. I witnessed how competition and a desire to be recognized as influential would distort their original pursuit of purpose.

I don't think it's wrong to charge for sessions. On the contrary, I was always taught that the cost of my session should be a reflection of the energy I put into it, and soon after that, I was led to believe that the cost of my session was a reflection of my worth. When I first started in 2018, I experienced the consequences of not charging. I had people continuously overstep my boundaries by calling me up throughout the day to ask the same questions. I experienced a few individuals trying to 'own' me, intimidate me, and hurl accusations, all in an attempt to have 24/7 access to me or with a false belief that I was the answer to all of their problems. (This topic is something I still feel uncomfortable sharing, but I am happy to go into detail about this. Just reach out if you're interested.)

In 2021, I felt conflicted about the trajectory of my life. There is a part of me that cannot ignore the necessity for financial stability, career success, and my ideal perception of how my life should appear. We are all entitled to that. However, there was a strong part of me that wanted to just throw it all away to lead a life of devotion and simplicity. I always look up in admiration to the Bhakti mystics like Mīrābāī, who left her husband and married Lord Krishna to create poetry and music. Lalleshwari, who was a devotee of Lord Shiva and wandered creating Vakhs, a form of poetry. Mary Magdalene, the only female apostle who risked everything to serve humanity through acts of compassion. Or the influential figures that are new to me, such as Fatima from the Islamic faith or Guru Hargobind from the Sikh faith.

As you all are aware, I am happy to have the opportunity to be back in school studying Computer Science. It's been unbelievably healing for my adolescent self (a story for another time.) But I want to honor that part of me that wants to commune with the Divine, with our ancestors, and with one another through compassion, grace, and love. Since 2021, I've been thinking about shifting my offerings to donation-based but have felt hesitant due to fears of the past repeating itself.

However, as the rise of spirituality and mysticism progressed in recent past years, it is hard not to notice the exposure of those who distort spirituality. A conversation with a friend from Hawai'i reassured me to trust what was in my heart. Although I've never lived on the islands or had the opportunity to visit (yet!), I hear of tragedies. I read about and see, people escaping their lives to flock to Hawai'i in an attempt to find some sort of salvation. Some do so and create these cults that blend in different spiritual belief systems but the execution of it feels centered around the ego in an attempt to appear God-like and stand above the rest. (I should note that I clearly learn and gravitate towards different faiths.) And I’ve encountered communities like these on my own, but this is a conversation for another day (or something you can reach out to me about.) We all have the liberty to interpret faith, religion, and spiritual traditions to what feels right to us but I think that line is easily crossed without awareness, understanding, and healthy perception. I see them and I see all that I fear and all that I hope to never become.

I don't believe in communes that separate us from one another, I believe in our ability to reach out and connect intimately. I don't believe in using spirituality as a way to punish another, rather I believe in our potential to transcend differences through forgiveness and compassion. I don't believe in escaping our world into higher consciousness, but I believe in seeing Divinity in our present reality. Our world has the potential to be beautiful, but so many are refusing to open their physical eyes (or even their minds.)

It feels liberating to shift into what feels right for me. It's a way for me to take back ownership of my worth and no longer put a sticker tag on it or measure it based on past successes or failures. I felt like I was physically dying in 2021 and although it sounds like an exaggeration, I want to honor my feelings. I think that was the first year where I experienced panic attacks for the first time and saw a return of depression, hopelessness, and loneliness that I haven't felt since my darkest adolescent years. That year, I was stripped of hurtful friendships that treated me (and viewed me) as worthless because I wasn't earning a specific amount or I didn't have a picture-perfect relationship yet. I ended friendships with people who would tell me that they didn't think I was worth it.

I know people on TikTok are entering their villain era, and I saw Kim Kardashian is entering her happiness era, but I'm entering my renaissance era. As funny as that sounds, I think you have to be clear and define the type of life you hope to create. I want to be more accessible to others, for people to find me as a reliant and loyal friend when they need one the most, and to help others recognize their worth and potential because, if there's one thing that I'm proud of, is that I see it in everyone. And I encourage it in everyone.

I hope my offerings can continue to bring clarity, hope, guidance, and confirmation for whatever it is that you are seeking. I hope I can continue to impart compassion and love. I hope we can grow together through forgiveness and mercy because we all make mistakes. And although we may never wield as much power as a president or a king or queen, I hope we can leave a lasting imprint on this earth.

The only thing I ask for is a little patience as I'm currently in school this semester.


Messages from Mother Earth


Whispers From Your Inner Child