A Look into Your 2024

Look at the image and pick a crystal. It’s best to just pick one pile.

Golden Rutile Quartz:

Health will be an emphasis for you in 2024. I can see you finally figuring something out about your body that was challenging before. I can see this energy carrying out into other avenues of your life, where you will be focusing on the details and accomplishing tasks. This feels like Virgo energy (even if you’re not a Virgo)...or Capricorn-like energy. There’s a significance to planning, organizing, and building structure in your life where you won’t feel left behind and/or you won’t feel like you’re procrastinating. For your tarot, you have Strength rx, Ace of Pentacles, Two of Pentacles, Ten of Wands. It’s a year of responsibility and hard work and it will take a toll on your physical body. You have to find the time to tend to it, to do nothing or to practice yoga. Anything you can do to treat your body is important. Ace of Pentacles speaks of a new opportunity that will manifest for you, it will be something tangible where you will have to make a decision but I can see you having a lot on your plate. Your oracle cards are Sparks of Light, Autumn, Dream Realm and Angelica. I can definitely see you feeling lonelier this year just because of the responsibilities you have. People around you will come to you asking for help on top of your obligations. Autumn will be a significant season for you, so keep that in mind but this card does speak of abundance but also understanding transitions and generosity. Remember the significance of Mabon here. BUT the cool thing here is that I’m seeing a lot of spiritual energy through the form of channeling inspiration. You will have sparks of insight, inspiration, and soul star chakra energy. It just feels difficult because it comes through the burden of other things and acting on it right away will be hard. I recommend journaling this year or having a vision board to keep you consistent on your dreams. Both Angelica and Sparks of Light also speak of spirit guides, celestial bodies and energies that are guiding you forward. Overall, I can see you accomplishing steps towards a bigger goal this year but it will come through the form of hustle. Be wary of not seeing things as problems before they actually are or expecting the worst to come out of something. Your guidance here is Daisy and this reminds you to keep a fresh perspective and be open to not just new beginnings but to the possibilities that surround you in your daily life.


2024 will be a year of illumination and clarity. If you felt uneasy this year and struggled with doubts and just the feeling of uncertainty, you will overcome this throughout the year. It won’t be an overnight story, but it will be one where you learn how to trust yourself, your insight and your decisions. I don’t see you seeking validation from others anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if you’re experiencing a personal year 1 or 9, or will have significant personal transits (such as Rahu landing in your first house.) Your cards are eight of pentacles rx, knight of cups, the star, and queen of swords rx. You may abandon or completely ease up on a career or study plan this year, but I see more of an emphasis of not emptying yourself totally on work. You will rather feel more compelled to follow your heart, find activities, places or people that soothe your heart. I can really start to see you take things more slowly. The Star is here which speaks of visionary energy, so overall I can see you pursuing bigger dreams. This comes off like drafting up the dream to become an entrepreneur, building an app, starting your own business, applying to a school you never would have thought of, etc. The only thing to be aware of is opposition by a female air sign, who may not agree with your plans. Whoever this feminine energy is, she stresses practicality but may not understand your shift of energy. You’ll be guided more by your heart and she will be by her logic. Your oracle cards are Summer, Quicksilver (from the Archetypal) and Swan and Dark Days of Winter from the Imbolc Oracle. Watch out for the summer months because it will be significant for you. However, I can see the blossoming of a romantic relationship. However it doesn’t feel completely of a priority because the energy seems turned inwards, towards yourself. Swan & Summer speak of self-love, an abundance of love, prosperity, happiness. Where life feels overflowing and I can see this will be a result of finally prioritizing your heart’s desire sprinkled in with some self-love. It will come through some growing pains, because whatever is stopping you from attaining what you actually, actually want will come through facing your inner demons. I just see someone waking up and leaving behind a life, lifestyle or circumstance that was pressured into them. Your guidance is to seek like-minded people that will support you on your journey. I can also see you becoming more spiritually inclined this upcoming year and choosing a more holistic lifestyle. 


2024 will be a year of leadership and leading a group. This will vary from person to person, so it may be the head of an organization (whether non-profit or for a school), or it can be through social activism, or through your writing in either non-fiction or creative works. But this energy has a very radical and stirring feel behind it. I can see you having the opportunities to step up and create changes and I would encourage acting on it. This one is interesting because all of your tarot cards are court cards, with the king of swords rx, the page of pentacles rx, the king of wands, and the king of cups rx. This may be the shortest and straight to the point reading out of all of them but in 2024 you will have to focus on navigating conflicting personalities and energies, both in your external world and in your internal one. There is a lot of internal growth that is happening here for you and it feels like having to balance different parts of yourself at the same time. Like having to remain fiery and passionate while learning emotional maturity and intelligence all at once. (Not saying that you’re not but using it as an example.) I can also see you learning how to be vulnerable which is something you struggle with. However the people that you may not agree with are on your path this year to teach you something new about yourself. I really do see that you are outgrowing an old form of yourself and a lot of the frustration that you feel will come in the form of feeling uneasy about the skin that you are wearing. It will feel like you’re learning how to walk all over again.  Your oracle cards are Casserole and Self-Ceremony, Yellowing and Virgin’s Milk. There’s a lot of innocence at play here, meaning you don’t have to approach situations with the same demeanor that you did in the past. There is a transition at play here and Yellowing is reaffirming it but how you go about it will be completely up to you. You can either transition with anger, resentment, bitterness, fear and/or anxiety, or you can go about it with an open mind, humility, grace, patience and kindness. But somethings gonna change, something’s gotta go and you’ll know what this is. This is a year of envisioning how you’d rather be, because something about your current energy or state of being isn't really working out. Allow the changes to unfold. Your guidance here is Flora: “nurture the things you want to see grow.”

Green Kyanite:

Releasing a lot of past mistakes and the aftermath of it will guide you through 2024. There’s a strong sense of regret and focusing too much on the mistakes of your past. I’m not sure if you’re thinking about it now or if it's something that will start to come up for you, but I can see it either randomly coming up emotionally or through dreams. This will encourage a lot of acceptance and kindness on your part because you can’t change the past at this point but you’ll be aware how you will rather do things differently moving forward. Your cards are the eight of swords, the hermit reversed, the knight of wands, and the page of cups. Learning how to trust others and getting out of a sense of self-pity is something you’ll struggle with next year. My best piece of advice for this group is to leave the past where it belongs and to move forward. Meditate on hope and the present. Know that everything will be okay for everyone involved. The only obstacle next year will be in the form of you holding yourself back so be gentle with yourself as much as possible and get out there again. You could be working through a romantic separation or a friendship breakup. This could be something from your past and it’s not necessarily recent. There’s a lot of anger, vindictiveness, jealousy and emotional wounds at play and while they’re all very challenging to deal with, don’t attach shame to them. They’re natural and normal and you need to experience it in order to gain a sense of closure. You need this closure in order to move forward and to see the wisdom that these circumstances are teaching you. Your oracle cards are Gold, Blood, Candle Dressing and Antlers. I personally love Gold because it’s an alchemical element of transmutation. The ability to take lead and transform it into gold and the same can be said about your specific situation. To take something challenging or unfortunate and to transform it, ultimately there’s so much spiritual wisdom involved here. In 2024, your relationship with yourself will thrive. You will recognize your self-worth, how you are enough, you will really deepen your bond with your physical self. Blood is such an intimate energy to get in your spread, it’s one of vitality and passion and if you’ve been missing this in your life, you will gain that back. That spark of life. The inspiration you need. You’ll learn that everything that you feel is missing from your life is truly within you. Be honest about what you truly want from your life and don’t allow others to speak for you or make you believe otherwise. Your guidance is Vesna: “Stay curious. Let the unknown lead you to new adventures.” Vesna is a goddess of spring and renewal. She represents vitality, passion and adventures. Allow yourself to be led by life this year. 


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