The Rest of 2023

Predictions for the remainder of 2023.

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After facing separation in the form of rejection, you'll be moving forward through a lot of soul-searching. The rest of your year will work through the soul star charka, so think of tons of Fuschia. You may want to wear the color, eat fruits with that color or breathe in that color. You'll realize what matters to you, and you'll feel more emboldened to follow the beat of your drum. You'll experience moments of loneliness and isolation but trust in the process because you're meant to be alone for the moment. The more time you have in your company, the more you get to discover more about yourself, your needs, and what you want from life. Forgiveness of the person (or memory of the person) that made you feel pushed to the side or like you're not enough will be imperative for you, and knowing that you can create the life that you want is important. You'll struggle a bit with feeling hopeless and optimistic at the same time. Your energy throughout the rest of the year is that of the Queen of Swords reversed. Regardless of your gender and sign, meaning you'll be in a feminine mental state but with numerous doubts and insecurities. Anxiety and paranoia may get the best of you as you start to accept reality through serious questions and hard truths. Seven of Swords Reversed speaks of a reality check, and you may even discover more facts about your situation. But I see you as transitioning from this sense of rejection or separation into pondering and planning your future, or at least your next few steps. Trust the endings that will continue to take place in your life and trust the shifts. You'll be stepping away from the status quo and from what people usually do around you to create a new life and experience for you by utilizing the gifts and talents that you have. If you have people leaving your life (or you physically leave the area), this is because you're arriving at a stage in your life where they're not in alignment with where you're going. I also see you studying up on something this year and immersed in your books. You may be learning something new or researching something you want to pursue. You'll be more in your business than in extending yourself emotionally in places where it won't be appreciated or received. This is truly a year for you.

The animal guide at the moment is a dog (and I keep seeing a golden retriever). This animal speaks of friendship, loyalty, & warmth. Know that you are worthy of the life you want to live and the people in your life matter at this time so discern carefully. Set intentions to align yourself with a soul community that will take you to where you want to go. Maybe now isn't the time, but it's coming.


Themes of empowerement, femininity and navigating your spirituality is at play here. At the moment, I'm seeing someone who is struggling with their emotions and may be experiencing a sense of gloom in their life. It's time to make discernments about these emotions and to confront them. I can tell that some of it is rooted in a need to honor yourself more and to give yourself patience when it comes to discovering more of your spiritual path. Regardless of gender, worshipping feminine deities is important here, especially those that embody a darker energy. But be gentle with yourself and more compassionate. You're confused at this time, but it's okay not having all the answers. It's like you're going through an awakening at this time. It seems like you were caught in the crossfires (or you will be), and you'll play the role of a mediator. This can come in the form of playing the mediator in a work situation, introducing two different types of groups together only to see them disagreeing, or just having to take care of a lot of conflict around you. It will be very challenging for you to make space, to move on emotionally, and this situation may intervene in you making physical movements forward in life. Unfortuantely, if you are caught in the crossfires, it will not go in your favor with the Justice card in reverse. Make sure that you enforce your boundaries in the situation as best as you can to avoid anything harming you. Align yourself only with those who have integrity and are trustworthy. If you're done giving people chances, you need to acknowledge this yourself. (Also for some of you who are practitioners, I just see you working a lot with people who were wronged in the past.) This is a case of healing the feminine in your life and within you and throughout this year, you'll be in the energy of the King of Cups reversed. Regardless of gender, this is a male water energy, so you'll feel a bit emotionally drained and repressed. But that's okay! The uncomfortable feelings are always alerting you to something. Pay attention to your emotional body this year. Your guidance is to connect to a mother energy, either in your physical life, or within you. To provide yourself with nurturing energy, the same way you will be providing it out to others throughout the year. I recommend connecting to any lunar or maternal goddess / deity. But remember to connect to your passions and to create boundaries to where you can focus on your needs. Connecting to creative energy and channeling it towards your physical and emotional bodies is something you'll need to do to get back on track.


Tapping into your sensuality and what makes you feel alive will be a major theme for the rest of this year. You will no longer start to shame the parts of you that want to be expressed or that you feel aren't accepted by others. It will feel like a very transformative year where you're going to feel more alive and secure within your self over the following few months. This is very much a pile of those getting back into their power and worth. At the moment, you're holding yourself back and may be a bit anxious to be seen or heard. If you started something new recently, I don't think it will last because it's not meant to. The Ace of Cups reversed speaks of an ending, but one happening because you gained the experience you already needed for it. For a lot of you, this comes in the form of you turning down someone or an opportunity because you know you deserve better. Opportunites around you will seem dry and the three of swords with the two of swords speaks of emotional pain and of meeting your fears head on. Staying stuck or lingering in a situation that isn't making you feel fulfilled or where you feel somewhat dead and uninspired isn't going to help long term. You have to start making choices from a seat of empowerment and you will. Regardless of gender, you're energy for this year is the Empress. I always see the Empress as Goddess energy, one who embodies all elements, who is in her feminine power, is sensual, creative and is ready to birth seeds into reality. You'll have a new start, a new idea, and the more you lean into your bliss and what makes you feel alive, the more colorful and bright this world will appear to you. Whatever it is, you'll physically be moving forward towards something new. A new job, a new school, a new living siutation and you'll be successful at leaving behind you anything that feels very limiting. Connecting to your sacral and solar plexus chakras are important, and keywords like intimacy and sensuality. Developing your self-worth and acknowledging what makes you whole within instead of your outer appearance and your material possessions is vital here. For some, I can even see you falling guilty to comparisons and jealousy of others, and this is a perfect way to really work on these challenging emotions. Remember these emotions are very normal. Loyalty to your family and speaking proudly and boldly of yourself is also guidance with your oracle cards of Helen, Antigone & Pheme.


A focus on health and wellness will be among your major themes for the rest of this year. If you are a woman, I can see an emphasis on menstruation and reproductive health. On a spiritual level, I heavily connect to blood within this pile, so blood lineages, vitality, and anything you personally associate with blood is here and syncing this to the rhythms of the natural world. For those trying to concieve, this is definitely your pile. You'll be heavily focused on self-love and compassion for yourself but what holds you back a lot is a difficulty in facing how you play a role in the main situation here. (Of course, whatever this scenario is will vary for everyone.) Be mindful as to how you are projecting your limitations and setbacks unfairly on other people. Shadow Work is reversed here for you meaning this is something you are actively ignoring in your life. There is also a guidance here to be thankful for those who have helped you along the way and to be more appreciative of how others play a role in your journey. It is rare to achieve success completely on your own. But there is a strong element of avoidance here at play and I think you'll know exactly what this is. The rest of your year is comfortable and pleasant. Life will start to push you in the right direction and there is an incoming sense of good fortune heading your direction. I see a lot of support from your community aiding you in the start of something new. Ace of Swords is present here but I see it more as a beginning of a new idea. Ten of Pentacles and Knight of Swords speaks of financial prosperity and comfort. Overall there seems to be a lot of movement, communication, action which will keep you busy until the end of the year. For a lot of you, I'm seeing traveling during the winter holidays to visit family or staying overnight with family. If there is anything you guys should do during these remaining months is to focus more on the shadow to avoid any form of self-sabotage later down the road on your endeavor. A spiritual awakening is on your horizon, be aware when you feel drawn to spend more time alone.


July 2023 Forecast


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