Flowing in Abundance: My Guide to Manifesting

Everyone has their individualized, unique ability to manifest or generate change in circumstances. Most people strive to create more abundance, while others may want freedom, love, a happier career, or whatever their hearts’ desire.This is what I’ve learned throughout the years, and I saw the pinnacle of my manifestation take place in 2020.

It’s important to define what abundance means to you. It may not always necessarily mean financial stability. Abundance can come through in the form of friendship, love, family or community. One thing I can say for sure is that money does not equate to abundance. Striving purely for financial wealth will not make you feel wealthy, but financial wealth is only a byproduct of abundance. (And I say this as someone who experienced a lot of poverty in my life.) Nothing can replace a feeling of wholeness, especially money.

Another thing to note is what your perception of money or abundance is. What are your personal beliefs or expectations? If you were met with a lot of loss, you’re bound to expect loss. If you are used to believing that no one will help you, you will actively choose to ignore help. If you expect life to be difficult, life will be difficult. Both from a spiritual perspective of attracting what is on your mind but in a psychological manner where you are conditioned to believe that and seek that out. If interested, I can expand on this topic!

I do think it's important to write out traits associated with abundance. What does an abundant person look like and how do they live? Most importantly, what does a happy abundant person look like? Valuing traits like sympathy, empathy, compassion are still important. It gives you perspective and allows you to see the bigger picture. I’ve met so many “wealthy” people who devalue people who are experiencing a rough path in life. I promise you this, everyone experiences loss in their life. Everyone will experience even a financial rough-patch because ultimately people are not in control of their lives. There will be a lot that you cannot expect or control. I was always told, be conscious of what you tell other people because you may not wake up one day. (In my family, it was said severely in the form of, you may get into a car accident and lose a limb. Life can be unpredictable like that.)

Also, nothing is more obnoxious than a wealthy person incapable of relating to others. You may be pushing away a great networking opportunity, friend or lover with an arrogant approach to money. And I’ve seen this happen countless times where the person with this mindset ends up in a circle of narrow-mindedness. This is a sure fast-track path towards a scarcity mindset. By the way, you can be filthy rich and still feel a sense of lack.

Now here are the tips I utilize in my own life where I’ve seen success. I will also post a subsequent blog post with meditation manifesting techniques, so be on the lookout for that. My opinion is to just read these, pick one you’d like to focus on and spend a week on it. Let me know how it goes!

  • Have faith. Have faith that no matter what, the Divine will always supply you with resources, money, and love. Have faith that even through loss you will always have some sort of gain. Have faith that when you spend money, it will always come back to you double in amount. You really need to have faith in God, Spirit, the Divine, essentially whatever your belief system is. 

  • Have a sense of security. Feel the ground underneath your feet and feel planted. What does security mean to you?

  • Know your worth. Stop selling yourself short. Know that what you offer has monetary value to it. Or who you are, has a value that is worthy of love. Don’t settle for less, don’t allow people to de-value you or take you for granted.

  • Be limitless. Your world is not as closed off as you think. A good example is to know that opportunities are boundless and are not limited to what is currently in your life. For example, I work with clients. I tend to think only of the clients I have known for a while but when I open myself to clients I haven’t met yet, they enter my life. Think beyond the scope that you’re currently in.

  • Your environment is important. Who do you surround yourself with? Is your current environment peaceful? It’s okay to be around people who are currently going through a rough path or face difficulties. It’s unfair to discriminate against people like that. But if you’re around selfish, arrogant folks, then that will become a problem later down the road. I promise you on that one.

  • What you spend will always come back to you, double in value. What you spend or give, will always come back to you. But be mindful that when you give, you don’t have an expectation to receive.

  • Be in the state of reception. Be open to receiving what is for your highest and greatest good. Be open to receive financial and romantic bliss. But balance this with doing and action. Learn to balance both energies in your life.

  • Be abundant, don’t chase it. Chasing sometimes comes from a state of lack and scarcity. Know and REALLY KNOW that what you want, wants you.

  • This may be a controversial one, but don’t see things as expensive. Know that you can afford anything. Be in the mindset that $100 is as easily attainable for you as a one-dollar bill.

  • Don’t stick to stereotypes. Don’t think that a poet is poor. I’ve met wildly successful and affluent poets. I used to be told that a spiritual practitioner cannot be well off. This isn’t true, I’ve met talented practitioners, mentors that are successful financially with this. A lot more goes into that than just manifesting which is a topic for another article. Defy peoples’ expectations.

  • Feel content with what you already have. Know that you do not need more makeup to be beautiful, or more clothes to be stylish. Be happy with what you already have. During the pandemic, I felt so content with the same dress I had to wear every day. And when I thought about maybe buying more clothes, money would flow in. 

  • Don’t feel shame or guilt! It’s okay to WANT things. Don’t let others make you feel guilty for wanting to treat yourself and don’t feel shame for charging others for your services. Even in a corporate life, don’t feel bad for asking for a raise. It’s also unfair because usually people who lecture people on something like this are people who have no problem going after what they want. Be aware of who is saying these things to you.  

Let’s stop seeing this as cringey!


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