Messages from Mother Earth

Pick between one of the three piles to receive your message. Please be sure to only select one.

Sugilite / LEFT | There's significance here in honoring your sex organs and your root and sacrum chakras, to connect to your passion and your ability to create. Because this channeled reading feels right to bridge the physical and the spiritual, it's hard not to separate the physical body from the message here. There's also a strong emphasis on your ancestors and familial pattern of doing what must be done, what is thought to be the "right" way, with bringing innovation into the family and stepping outside of comfort zones. This isn't the right reading to deliver specific ancestral messages but this is where you'll have to connect to your intuition. A polarity is occurring here for you, you may feel paused, stuck, and confused about the right direction to take. I do see there is two options here. It can be between two life paths or two different career options, or it can be about you following your authenticity or conforming to your family's desires. I do think you're meant to initiate a sense of radical change into your family's legacy and thus, a breakthrough in generational traumas. But it feels up in the air, and that's okay! The Witness and Skullcap is about honoring stillness, avoiding overthinking, and embracing patience without impulsivity and rushing into anything. I can see that this will be helpful when confronting parents or anything like that. You guys have a lot of willpower within you at the moment, but be careful of burning any bridges. Ultimately, what's best is when you're able to embrace both polarities and bring harmony into the situation while still embracing who you are.

Tiger's Eye / MIDDLE | Mother Earth is asking you to form an emotional strength, to see your heart as a tree trunk. Strong, rooted, grounded and embracing of all the storms and droughts in your life. To bring more heart into your endeavors and to drop a bit of the armor that you shield yourself with. Be mindful of acting with integrity when pursuing your desires. This pile has more of a career undertone, but because this is general, it can be about anything. When you do this, you'll feel more energized, and more able-bodied to forge your desired path. If you picked this, there is hesitancy for you to step forward, to make decisions but I question whether you realize that you have all the necessary skills within. And you can keep building on these skill sets. Cast aside self-doubt and negative self-talk. You guys embody great leadership skills but you'll never know what could happen if you don't at least try by making baby steps. It was hard for me to connect to this pile because it's almost as if you guys don't want the outside help or are really reserved at the moment, really isolated. Your medicine card came out as "Joy" and embracing your Divine Feminine energy. It's interesting because this pile has more Masculine energy radiating through but embracing the Feminine would bring in soothing and nurturing qualities that you need for yourself at this time. What you initiate can have an impact on this world.

Arfvedsonite / RIGHT | Mother Earth is asking you to dream big, to look up at the stars, the Heart of the Sky, and connect to something greater than you for inspiration. I can see that you've been in insular energy, maybe surrounded by routine, or involved in the same type of dilemma. I question whether what you have is what you really wanted, or if the routine that you're in is the one you want to belong to. There is something in your life that isn't honoring you and it may come in the form of a person or in a lifestyle, but you have to give it up. When coyote appears, it talks about detours and disappointments in your life meant to push you in the right direction. I keep seeing you as the oddball out and it's not that your environment isn't toxic per se, but it's not aligned with you. Sometimes you have to let go to receive what you truly desire. Don't worry about the details but keep focusing on your inspiration, your imagination. Continue to connect to the Heart of the Sky for clarity because I see a lot of uncertainty in this pile too. I think the time has come for you to step up and start to challenge yourself more. To surround yourself with people who support you and your potential. If you're meeting resistance around you, question why and what is it teaching you.


Sade Sati | Saturn Return


Important Announcement