June 2023

June 2023

4 Cardinal Directions

LAPIS LAZULI | June will be a transformative month. You cannot avoid it, and you will feel it but it is not something to fear. It's all pointing you toward your true north. You've been avoiding a lack of balance in your life and it is throwing you off-centered. This is your month to confront this.

[EAST] | "The Sacred Red Light of the Feminine" | Ten of Swords RX

This cardinal direction is associated with the blood, the color red in the body, the sun, and all that is masculine in energy. With the ten of swords reversed, there is a disconnection between you and your body that you will have to resist. You will try to avoid sitting with your feelings by becoming really busy or not taking the time to create a pause in your life. You may feel exhausted and depleted, but there's a gentle nudge towards you giving your physical body time to rest and replenish. It's almost like this stagnancy or this feeling of unhappiness wants to be squeezed out of your body. You can do this by just giving yourself time, feeling safe in your body and through moments of just gentle movements and massages. If you feel rejected from someone or like you were treated unfairly, this is a great time to empower your body but through rest. Take it easy, allow your body to speak to you.

[WEST] | "The Sacred Black Light of the Feminine" | Ace of Cups Rx

This is connected to the underground and to Mother Earth herself. There is a lack of nourishment towards your heart here. It feels like you have given yourself all to others, but haven't really sat down and appreciated yourself. I can see that a lack of self-appreciation is here, of doing a lot for others but not for yourself. This is the epitome of your cup needs to be re-filled but because this is in the west, it is time to ask yourself why you feel obligated to serve others at the point of sacrificing your needs. Your heart asks for support and to build strength within your heart.

[NORTH] | "The Sacred White Light of the Feminine" | Turquoise and Forget-Me-Nots

This is associated with our bones, our memories, the cosmos, the rainbow. This specific card brings about messages of connecting with your ancestors and grandfather / paternal energy. But what I'm seeing here is the ending of a connection (and for some an important part of your life...although the connection vibe is strong here.) Here you're being asked to overcome grief through patience and a balance between the heart and the mind. I think you can persist and hope for a specific outcome, or for some, you are stuck on the past and holding on to something that is not allowing you to move forward, but "balance" is key here. Because this is connected to your bones, there is a lot of ancetral connectivity here. This may be a pattern that persists through your lineage and is being highlighted at ths time. One where you feel obligated towards people who may not have the best intentions in mind. Treasure and safe guard what you have to offer and know that it is not for everyone.

[SOUTH] | "The Sacred Yellow Light of the Feminine" | The Chariot

Think about this as seeds for your nourishment and growth. This is the most like guidance for you. With the chariot here, there is an element of moving foward and not lingering on to what you know you have to let go of (especially people). There is a severe bluntness here, a strength and vigor of believing in yourself and of your potential. Again, not everyone will believe in you or will want your best but it's really up to you to be your ultimate cheerleader. To focus on your goals and not sacrificing them for the goals of others. Because the chariot is the only major arcana here, this screams of a severe karmic lesson. This is a month of be careful who you place your trust in. Just focus on yourself.

[CENTER] | "The Sacred Green-Blue Light of the Feminine" | Sovereignty
Your heart wishes for you to tap into your sovereignty and disconnect any inferior elements that wish to see you in an energy of subservience. There’s an essence here of seeing what makes you glorious and of shining forth who you’re natural state of being.

FIRE OPAL | Not everyone will be able to handle your energy this month but you have to channel it into your desires. This is a month where a sacrifice is being highlighted, so in order to get something that you want, you may have to let go of something you already possess.

[EAST] | "The Sacred Red Light of the Feminine" | King of Swords RX This cardinal direction is associated with the blood, the color red in the body, the sun, and all that is masculine in energy. There is an imbalance taking place here, I can see you guys jumping to conclusions about others during this month. Because this is air energy, this is going to directly influence your mind. There's a lot of skepticism, cynicism, and a bit of judgement here. You may also feel a bit scatter-brained. The best thing for you to do is to center yourself and practice mindfulness. There is something that you don't have the full picture of and need a bigger perspective on. Overall, you're going to have to learn how to share power and leadership here. How to cultivate a sense of belonging and community without feeling like you have to be responsible for everything. Allow others to have an input. There is a sense of unnecessary competition here or a fear of losing your place. Calm your overactive mind, I can see you burying yourself into a deep, dark mental hole too. This is a month where you should focus on your mental well-being.

[WEST] | "The Sacred Black Light of the Feminine" | Five of Wands RX

This is connected to the underground and to Mother Earth herself. There is a lack of nourishment towards your heart here. There's a lot of disharmony present here among family (or soul family, meaning very close friends). I think people are going through transitions and the change is very difficult to adjust to and not everyone may understand either. It also feels very passive-aggressive. Five of Wands can mean many things but I'm seeing it here as someone butting heads with you but it's all going under the radar. The energy feels somewhat chaotic. Is someone pushing your buttons here and bringing out the worst in you? It's time to stand your ground but from a very grounded and centered place.

[NORTH] | "The Sacred White Light of the Feminine" | Crystal Grid

This is associated with our bones, our memories, the cosmos, the rainbow. This is about focusing all of your energy into creating your desires through intentions. I'm not sure if you feel obligated to people around you or you are responsible for guiding and mediating a situation right now, but you have to allow for this transition to take place. Move forward towards what you want to create. Be a little selfish this month and you will see it will pay off over time. It just feels like there's a bit of a storm and you are caught in the middle but over time, it will adjust itself.

[SOUTH] | "The Sacred Yellow Light of the Feminine" | The Star

Think about this as seeds for your nourishment and growth. This is the most like guidance for you. Don't allow other people to create limitations in your life. The star here speaks of hopefulness and healing. Visualize and work on manifesting what you wish to see for yourself professionally. This entire reading really feels like friends and family clashing with your professional dreams and goals. Or responsibilities that are hard to meet because you are obligated to a lot of other people other than you. Or some sort of conflict with you and others. It's challenging. Part of me feels that you're the one keeping the secret that needs to be revealed.

[CENTER] | "The Sacred Green-Blue Light of the Feminine" | Water Priestess This is the heart space and the connection between the cosmos and the beat of the Mother Earth. With so much disharmony around you, it's time to start cultivating a connection to your intuition, your heart's wisdom. There's a lot of strength and leadership found in a priestess (or priest!) You're currently running on more air and mental energy, and your heart wants this to be balanced out with the deeper mysteries of the water element, intuition. If you feel confused as to how to handle the situation, tapping into this will give you direction. Things definitely seem really unclear now and you have to sift through a lot of information, pros and cons and the like.

EPIDOTE | Your life isn't stagnated or blocked by external circumstances, it's more of you doing this. This month, instead of focusing on the negatives, the things that went wrong, focus on what is going well in your life. The more you feed into this, the more you'll feel grateful, the more you'll connect to a deeper sense of spirituality and purpose.

EAST] | "The Sacred Red Light of the Feminine" | Knight of Cups Rx

This cardinal direction is associated with the blood, the color red in the body, the sun, and all that is masculine in energy. You've been denying yourself full authenticity to express your emotions fully. This will come in the form of feeling lethargic this month and uninspired. But you can change this! You can start to allow yourself to connect to your emotions, to water, allow all that is clogged up in your heart to flow out. There's something missing in your life, and I feel like you know this. Don't refrain from taking baby steps towards your goals either. There's an overall sense where you feel somewhat blocked or like there is no way, but there is.

[WEST] | "The Sacred Black Light of the Feminine" | Nine of Swords

This is connected to the underground and to Mother Earth herself. There's heavy emotions you've been processing that will continue to be worked on through the month of June. This is a very shadow-work type of month but the important part is that there is a lot of spiritual energies in this pile. There are a lot of guides around you, lighter in energy, that wish to uplift you. They want you to see the beauty in your soul, the light that you carry, and to help you move forward and out of somber energy. An emphasis on optimism is present here, on valuing yourself. I can see you have a lot of love to give, and you would like to meet the right people and opportunities to receive this love, but you're blocking this side of yourself. There's a lot of clutter in your heart right now that needs to be sifted through, and it will!

[NORTH] | "The Sacred White Light of the Feminine" | Candle Quartz & Bleeding Heart This is associated with our bones, our memories, the cosmos, the rainbow. Honestly, this isn't the message in the card itself, but you guys could really benefit from a close friend this month. Someone that can help you see your light and can honor your sensitivities.

[SOUTH] | "The Sacred Yellow Light of the Feminine" | Four of Cups Rx

Think about this as seeds for your nourishment and growth. This is the most like guidance for you. Leave the regrets in the past. It's time to part from any illusions on what you think could have happened if only you did this. Stop fantasizing and living in your dreams when you could be actualizing your dreams in the present. There is a strong wake up call to really wake up in your present and to have a deeper sense of gratitude for where you are in life and who you have become. Celebrate your life and who you are as much as you can this month.

CENTER] | "The Sacred Green-Blue Light of the Feminine" | Beyond the Veil This is the heart space and the connection between the cosmos and the beat of the Mother Earth. This pile and its energy really reminds me of one of the previous one, where there is a sense of rejection for who you are. I can see that doors were closed to you, for exactly this reason. You weren't valued and I can see that you internalized this. So now, you don't show up with what you have to offer. This pile is more of a visionary and showing up, exactly as who you are, doing what you want to do (regardless of what others think) is crucial here. This is the pile of the artists, the mystics and the healers. Know that you are vital here, that your visions are helping shape the world in a more positive manner. Who cares what anybody thinks or what their judgements are, because their criticisms is coming from a place of self-judgment.


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