The Lonely Road to Authenticity

The road less travelled on is often lonely.

You’ll find that the more you start to align with your authentic self, the more unsettling it can be for the people around you. People will start to fall away, whether in a disruptive or peaceful manner. Sometimes it’s as simple as the person isn’t meant for you at this specific time or the person wasn’t serving your highest and greatest good.

Or another example is that sometimes you outgrew someone spiritually. This happened to me before where the person in mind appeared to me in a dream where they chose to stay in the dark.

Regardless the path to authencity and pure soul expression is not the easiest one. You’ll be plagued with others’ judgements. You may face others’ attempting to draw comparisons or even an internal struggle where you will be putting yourself down via these comparisons.

Although you would suspect that authenticity serves just the self, it does more than that. You uplift and inspire others when you rein your truest self. It serves and benefits society to help them break out of rigidity.

Remember that not everyones’ life moves in the same direction and in the same pace.

The Goddess Matangi Devi has been appearing to me as of late. The beauty is when I receive her card during my daily card pulls.

Matangi is one of the Mahavidyas and is considered to be the more Tantric form of Goddess Saraswati.

Matangi Devi is the goddess of the outcasts and is associated with the throat chakra through the act of listening and expression. She is the more mystical and occult version of Goddess Saraswati and Goddess Saraswati is associated with art and common knowledge.

She is rules over the domain of sound and expression, so this includes the creation of music, sound, word, and art but most importantly she represents inner knowledge achieved through this.

Because she represents the outcast, this inner knowledge and the creation that funnels through it is more than likely out of the realms of convention. She is perfect to lean to when you feel like you don’t belong anywhere or don’t fit in. When you feel the most alone, you can listen to Matangi Devi for guidance and reassurance.

In the Hindu tradition, Matangi is the ninth Great Cosmic Wisdom whose feminine, playful, spontaneous, divine expression and whose sublime state of inner freedom might be very helpful for the one who wishes and has the courage to discover and overcome the limits of conventionality and foolish prejudices. -

Overall, Matangi Devi will help those who are searching for Truth in its highest form. Truth of the self and its purpose and for aligning us with the Atman, beyond the prejudices that create the unnecessary separation of good and bad.

Goddess Matangi is associated with the full moon, the ‘night of intoxication.’ The Mahavidyas represent some or other manifestation of the Divine Mother. They are in this sense also to be regarded as Vidyas or different approaches to tantric knowledge. Matangi resides in the Throat Chakra and radiant like the moon. This is the centre of speech. She is the manifest form of song, and the vibratory sound, Nada, that flows in the subtle channels, ‘nadis’, down through our entire body and mind. There is a special ‘nadi’ or channel that runs from the Third Eye to the tip of the tongue, which relates to Her. This is the stream of inspiration from the mind to its expression via speech. Matangi represents the flow of Bliss through this channel, which is experienced by the creators of great literary, poetic and other artistic work, resulting in brilliant expressions of creativity. Om Hrim Klim Hum Matangyai Phat Svaha. Hari Om.  — by Yogi Ananda Saraswati


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