Get Real With Your Dark Side

Let’s be honest.

How comfortable are we with our inner darkness?

Because we all have this.

I think it’s incredibly easy to shun and shame souls who are in touch with their darkness because it doesn’t fit the “love and light” mold that the metaphysical + spiritual community upholds.

To only accept half of ourselves is to live incomplete.

To shame those who have complexity within them is to fully deny yourself.

When we see these general halves of ourselves, we exist in duality without allowing ourselves to integrate them into union. Once these two polar opposites are harmoniously joined together, then you can expect to be in a state of authentic wholeness.

I can’t even begin to describe the amount of times people have misunderstood me just because I don’t fit into their idea.

Maybe I can begin with describing that I am Ketu dominant with Ashwini rising. Ketu is the south node of the moon and is depicted by the a serpent without its head. One of its many meanings are past life wisdom and detachment.

"Ketu is said to be the eldest amongst the graha and the head of all of the stars and the planets. Ketu is the alpha and the omega; the beginning and the end and is the most powerful amongst the celestial forces. This means that its influence on earth and life must hold some lessons worth investigating and divine wisdom worth pursuing.” - Spirit Vehicle

“Ketu’s will is for us to use the penetrating mind his influence bestows upon a person, for introspection — which leads us to extrospection, which ultimately has us arrive at the awareness of the illusory nature of the material world and the subsequent emergence of what is known as Ketu’s “mysterious illumination”. A darkness, which is somehow also illuminated – due to the darkness truly only being a veil. “ - Spirit Vehicle

Ketu is this necessary darkness, empty vast space that allows for illumination.

“If it weren’t for the empty space of night, there would be no possibility whatsoever of seeing the stars. Stars shine out of space.” - Kama Sutra

Many people fear their Ketu Mahadasha because it’s a 7 year time period of your life, if you experience it, where Ketu will remove things in your life and create a standstill for the sole purpose for you to experience a more spiritual way of life. This of course depends on your natal charts and the spectrum of experiencing this way of life also varies based on the individual.

But because it is my rising (and perhaps because of my lunar nakshatra), I experience misunderstandings especially within the metaphysical realm where the idea of darkness triggers. It’s important to note that darkness is not the same as evil or negativity.

I’ll never forget visiting a local metaphysical shop and the majority of associates avoiding me, with the additional having a sales associate cleanse my heart space with a tuning fork because according to him, I needed it. I didn’t need it and to be frank I did not appreciate it because the underlying layer was that of judgment.

Or the many times where spiritual practitioners would, without me giving them a reason or allowing myself to fully express myself, assume that I dive into the dark arts or am trying to sabotage them. Again, I do not participate in that nor had any intentions of doings so. In all honesty, I do not think about them to that extent.

So why the misunderstandings when I’m just trying to live my life?

It’s our inability to accept their inner darkness, their shadow and see the good in it.

When we see how our darkness can be turned into beauty, then we can be more accepting of ourselves.

For what is good can be bad and what can be bad can be good.

When we accept ourselves we can be more accepting of others.

If we feel that others do not accept us, then there is room for us to be more accepting and loving of every part of ourselves.

Sometimes what we fear represents a part of ourselves that needs to be released and the very person you are pushing away is the person who can be a source of illumination.


The Lonely Road to Authenticity


Your Inner Sanctuary