Clearing the Fog: Removing the Disturbances

Just goes to show what happens when you have too much going on around you. I wrote out this long blog post and realized I forgot to save it! Usually when you have too much outside static coming in from other people, it can really interfere with your inner world + including the ability to connect to your truth and heart. It can really disrupt your inner peace.

Here are some tips that I like to do in order to remove the excess noise from your environment. A must in my opinion if you are trying to manifest something into your life.

  • Black crystals are great for shedding. I’ve discovered the importance of black crystals as my collection grew to expand black diopside. Black crystals are great for centering and grounding yourself but can help you maintain a strong inner-world by removing the energetic debris around you. Aegirine is my go-to when it comes to removing negative attachments and cutting the chords with toxic relationships. I’ve used it in the past to start energetically disconnecting extremely co-dependent individuals from my life. Black Onyx is great for removing negative emotions and to help balance the emotional body. It also helps you recognize toxic individuals from your life so that you can create better boundaries. Black Diopside is essential for strengthening your connection to Mother Earth. Sometimes all you need is a strong bond with Her and she will take care of the rest.

  • Yellow crystals are a necessity for removing self-doubt. It usually tends to be the case that when we are not in alignment, it can be pretty easy to absorb others’ judgements and false perceptions about ourselves. I’ve covered this a lot in the past. When we are disconnected from ourselves, we can easily doubt our actions, our thoughts, and anything in between. My favorite is yellow fluorite because not only does it uplift the solar plexus but it heals the mental body. It eases any doubt.

  • This was taught to me! Dropping into the heart space is so important in order to truly listen to our higher selves and our guides. The heart truly shows the way. Once I drop into the heart space by visualizing it in meditation, I like to expand the energy here. To clear it out and to remove anything that is stagnant and old. Trust what you see and feel in meditation.

  • My new favorite is Motherwort, a super herb whose energy helps you stand up for yourself! Motherwort is associated with fire energy and helps create boundaries where it is necessary. Not only that but it truly instills in you the courage to say no to people. The more you say no to those who do not serve you, the more you can say yes to yourself.


Remove Attachments via the Third Eye


The Lonely Road to Authenticity