Staying True to Heart

With the upcoming eclipse season, I thought it’d be great to share this energetic technique that can help you maintain your space in this world while staying true to your heart.

We’re going to be experiencing two major lunar and solar eclipses that will disrupt things around in our lives and shift things around. I see these eclipses as an impending and subtle intense rain, but not necessarily a storm. I can see it possibly bringing out baggage from people, if not maybe exposing negative qualities.

The way I connect to it is about finding a sense of stillness and grounding during a momentary period of darkness and not being moved or swayed by the noise around you. There is a final clearing of this resentment and anger that is around and I can see boundaries being overstepped a bit. But that’s okay, because you are confident and knowledgeable enough to know how to handle it.

✨ Find a comfortable seated position ✨
I recommend lighting a white candle or any color of your choosing. This eclipse I feel very guided for you all to use incense or a scent to expand your breath and expand your space.

You don’t have to use crystals but if you do, a black, gold or pink crystal will do!

Find yourself rooted in the earth and see white, or prismatic light, entering through your crown and filling your body.

Visualize a ball of golden or white light from your heart space or your solar plexus and see it expanding out. See yourself pushing away anything that looks black or grey, and if people, situations or feelings pop up that are unsavory see it push out. See it washed up in this light and just expanded out.

Drop into your heart space by feeling your mind, lungs, or body within the heart. It sounds funny, but see it as just the main center. Spend time here. You can connect to whatever you are meant to see, or just feel your heart breathing. You can also set specific intentions here.

From your heart space, see golden and very light pink light start to radiate out and see it take up space. It’s as if you’re creating a big sphere where you are in the center of it.

See this light pink light wash away any anger or resentment that you may see, feel or experience around you. This part is key!

Sit in these energy for as long as you’d like!

This practice is meant to clear out any residual collective energy of hostility or resentment from around you while keeping you grounded and heart-centered.


Shift into Alignment


Overcoming Betrayal: Part 1