Shift into Alignment

Alignment is a beautiful harmony of the body, mind and spirit. You’ll know when you’re in alignment when life seems to flow forward peacefully and you are completely immersed in the beauty that is the present. If you’re ever in a moment of stagnation, it’s most likely due to a lack of being in this state of being.

Sometimes this can even manifest into physical pain in the back and upper shoulders, an inability to adhere to a normal sleep schedule, and your body telling you that something is off via your emotions. When you’re not in alignment, it can be a bit challenging to connect to Source or to your heart.

You’ll know it. You’ll be in a bad mood, anxious, and you may even experience small accidents. I never break a nail but I completely broke through the middle of a nail and started jamming my nails and fingers into everything. I would drop things, break things, injure myself accidentally. It was all trying to tell me something!

Shifting into alignment is the first step towards manifesting your wild dreams! If you’re not in alignment, you’ll be met with resistance.

Here are some tips you can follow to shift your energy into alignment:

✨ Connect to the present! You can do this with mindful meditation or by establishing a sadhana into your life. Wake up and brew tea (a tea that you feel drawn to at the moment) and sit outside. I like to meditate on trees, on the sky, on the sounds that nature creates. Don’t think while you’re in this harmonious moment. Don’t think about the worries of the past or the future because they don’t matter in the present moment. Everything is always fixable or doable!
✨ Connect to a sense of beauty in the world around you. This is totally optional but when you see the world in a beautiful way, you’re more than likely operating out of your heart chakra.
✨You may have to cut back on caffeine consumption! Stick to herbal teas with properties like ashwaganda, gotu kola, and the like.
✨ Remove any fears that you may have. Fear is such a low vibrational energy. Know that you have control and power over them. This could be a great opportunity to do shadow healing or a soul retrieval.
✨ Spend as much time in nature. In the evenings, disconnect from technology by taking a mindful walk in the park. The wilder the better!
✨ Listen to the earth frequency known as Schumann Resonance. The more you connect to the pulse of Mother Earth, the better!
✨ I include more tips in my “The Wanderer’s Trail”. Let me know and I’ll send you a free copy.


Rejecting the Status-Quo


Staying True to Heart