Rejecting the Status-Quo

Rejecting the Status-Quo / Aligning with the Authentic Self

This isn’t meant to be a rant or a vent from an outsider, rather a plea that we should all embrace our ‘outsider’ selves more and bring them into the limelight.

How are we sacrificing our true selves in order to fit into the mainstream society?
Do we silence our uniqueness and hide our voice?
What fears hold us back from embracing our individuality with compassion?

Our uniqueness is the thread that ties together the fabric of our collective society.

From my observations, I don’t fit into this metaphysical sphere. Sometimes I feel like I don’t dress like everyone else, my personality is different, at times more severe and blunt. My humor is coarse, dark and inappropriate (if you really get to know me.) I party because I love to be a social butterfly at night.

But I don’t fit into the mold of the obsessively-perfect, beyond-moksha ‘guru’ figure on the internet who projects the surface of an idealized life. (Don’t get me started on using the word ‘guru’ and ‘master' so loosely.)

I am not Hay House’s or Blue Angel’s ideal marketable type.

And while what you see based off of observations of me is only one facet of me, there are many more because we are not autonomous, one-dimensional beings. We are multi-faceted gems. We just have to deem ourselves worthy of embracing all these sides, integrating them and displaying them proudly into the world.

Question everything you see in this metaphysical sphere! How are you applying generalizations for your specific circumstances? When you do so, you strip away what your heart wants and scold the free spirit within you.

A great example is a year ago, I was chatting with a person about how I desired a relationship! I haven’t been in one since 2012 because I always prioritize myself. Her response was along the lines that I’m projecting desperate energy and thus repelling the possibility of meeting a mate. Sounds familiar? It’s the same regurgitated outdated ideas that circulate in this sphere and it’s far from the truth!

If you desire something, it’s your heart speaking to you! It’s your spirit asking you for something and that’s okay! Instead of applying a general statement to your individual circumstance, make this acknowledgment. If you wish for something, go out there and make it happen! Manifest it, feel confident about pursuing it but don’t be shamed for it!

That being said, embrace other peoples’ uniqueness! It may teach you something about a part of yourself. Be inviting with your social groups and see how an added layer of diversity can create more sparks of inspiration.

How are we believing the idea that we *need* to buy decks, crystals and more associated with this sphere in order to ‘fix' ourselves? I’m so guilty of this and I can make excuses for myself. I’m an avid deck collector despite only using them on my Instagram as I don’t use them in my sessions at all. I buy lots of crystals that I use for my healing sessions but I take pauses with them. My grief is with those who market the same crystal as a different name in order to hype it up and charge more for it. Or those who sell you glass for big bucks claiming that it’s a crystal.

The more we start living in our authenticity and taking ownership of it, the more we can navigate this sphere without falling victim to its flaws. Our authenticity helps us feel a sense of wholeness. It’s healing not just for ourselves but for our community.


July Forecast 2021


Shift into Alignment